Haitian Creole


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الصفحة 1 من عند 182 النتائج

Comparison of quince with vitamin B6 for treatment of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: a randomised clinical trial.

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This trial was performed to compare quince (Cydonia oblonga) fruit with vitamin B6 on 76 pregnant women with a gestational age of 6-14 weeks and mild-to-moderate nausea and vomiting (NVP) (40 in the quince and 36 in the B6 group). The 'Pregnancy-Unique Quantification of Emesis' (PUQE-24) scale was

Recombinant bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (rBPI21) for treatment of parvovirus enteritis: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial.

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We evaluated the ability of an antimicrobial and endotoxin-neutralizing agent, the recombinant amino terminal fragment of bactericidal permeability-increasing protein (rBPI21), to decrease plasma endotoxin concentration and severity of clinical signs of canine parvovirus and to improve survival.

Four-week oral toxicity studies of the new quinolone antibacterial agent cetefloxacin tosylate in rats and marmoset monkeys.

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Four-week oral toxicity studies with cetefloxacin tosylate ((-)-7[3-(R)-amino-2-(S)-methyl-1-azetidinyl]-1-(2,4- difluorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-6-fluoro-4-oxo-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid tosylate, CAS 141725-88-4 (base), E-4868.Ts) a new quinolone antibacterial agent, were performed in Sprague-Dawley

Treatment of emphysematous pyelonephritis with broad-spectrum antibacterials and percutaneous renal drainage: an analysis of 10 patients.

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BACKGROUND This retrospective study was designed to determine the efficacy of broad-spectrum antibacterials combined with percutaneous renal drainage in the treatment of emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN). METHODS From July 1992 to September 2002, 10 patients (nine females and one male) with EPN

Effect of antibacterial home cleaning and handwashing products on infectious disease symptoms: a randomized, double-blind trial.

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BACKGROUND Despite the widespread household use of cleaning and personal hygiene products containing antibacterial ingredients, their effects on the incidence of infectious disease symptoms have not been studied. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of antibacterial cleaning and handwashing products for

Monitoring and antibacterial treatment for postoperative bacterial overgrowth in Crohn's disease.

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OBJECTIVE Bacterial overgrowth sometimes complicates the clinical course of Crohn's disease and may lead to inappropriate treatment. To clarify the effect of antibiotic therapy, we monitored the hydrogen concentration in expiratory breath after fasting. METHODS We evaluated 18 patients (15 males;

Acute oral toxicity of the new quinolone antibacterial agent levofloxacin in mice, rats and monkeys.

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Acute oral toxicity of (-)-(S)-9-fluoro-2,3-dihydro-3-methyl-10-(4- methyl-1-piperazinyl)-7-oxo-7H-pyrido [1,2,3-de][1,4]benzoxazine-6-carboxylic acid hemihydrate (levofloxacin, DR-3355, CAS 100986-85-4), a new quinolone antibacterial agent, was studied in ddy mice, SD rats and cynomolgus monkeys.

Antioxidant, anticancer and antibacterial potential of Zakhm-e-hayat rhizomes crude extract and fractions.

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Bergenia ciliata (locally known as Zakhm-e-hayat; wound healer) is commonly employed for wound healing, curing diarrhea and vomiting, fever, cough and pulmonary affections. Local community uses this plant as tea decoction with table salt. B. ciliata crude extract and its fractions were subjected to
(S)-10-[(S)-(8-Amino-6-azaspiro[3,4]octan-6-yl)]-9-fluoro-2, 3-dihydro-3-methyl-7-oxo-7H-pyrido[1,2,3-de][1,4]benzoxazine-6-carboxyli c acid hemihydrate (CAS 151390-79-3, DV-7751a) a new quinolone antibacterial agent, was examined for LD50 value, phototoxicity and convulsion inducing potential in

Tigecycline: an evidence-based review of its antibacterial activity and effectiveness in complicated skin and soft tissue and intraabdominal infections.

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BACKGROUND There is an urgent need for novel agents to manage serious bacterial infections, particularly those contracted in healthcare facilities. Tigecycline is a novel broad-spectrum glycylcycline with good activity against Gram-positive, many Gram-negative, anaerobic, and some atypical pathogens

Gastric Ollulanus tricuspis infection identified in captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) with chronic vomiting.

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Gastritis, vomition and weight loss are common in captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Gastric spiral bacteria (Helicobacter spp.) and the very small, viviparous nematode Ollulanus tricuspis, a stomach worm of cats, are believed to be important causes. Three sibling cheetahs at Wellington Zoo, New

Comparative tolerability of erythromycin and newer macrolide antibacterials in paediatric patients.

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The macrolides are a well established group of antibacterials frequently used in general practice. The most frequently used macrolides in paediatric patients are erythromycin, a naturally occurring compound, and clarithromycin and azithromycin, recently developed macrolides. Overall adverse effect

Meropenem. A review of its antibacterial activity, pharmacokinetic properties and clinical efficacy.

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The parenteral carbapenem meropenem is relatively stable to inactivation by human renal dehydropeptidase (DHP-1) and does not require concomitant administration of a DHP-1 inhibitor such as cilastatin. It has a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity in vitro, the majority of Gram-negative,

Amoxycillin/clavulanic acid: a review of its antibacterial activity, pharmacokinetics and therapeutic use.

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Clavulanic acid is a beta-lactamase inhibitor produced from Streptomyces clavuligerus, which when combined with certain beta-lactam antibiotics extends their activity against bacteria which owe their resistance to the production of beta-lacatamases. In combination with amoxycillin it extends the

Anti-bacterial, free radical scavenging activity and cytotoxicity of acetone extracts of Grewia flava.

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BACKGROUND Bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) cause vomiting, diarrhoea and even systemic disease. There is a need for the development of natural products into alternative and safer medicines. OBJECTIVE This study evaluated the anti-microbial activity of extracts prepared from
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قاعدة بيانات الأعشاب الطبية الأكثر اكتمالا التي يدعمها العلم

  • يعمل في 55 لغة
  • العلاجات العشبية مدعومة بالعلم
  • التعرف على الأعشاب بالصورة
  • خريطة GPS تفاعلية - ضع علامة على الأعشاب في الموقع (قريبًا)
  • اقرأ المنشورات العلمية المتعلقة ببحثك
  • البحث عن الأعشاب الطبية من آثارها
  • نظّم اهتماماتك وابقَ على اطلاع دائم بأبحاث الأخبار والتجارب السريرية وبراءات الاختراع

اكتب أحد الأعراض أو المرض واقرأ عن الأعشاب التي قد تساعد ، واكتب عشبًا واطلع على الأمراض والأعراض التي تستخدم ضدها.
* تستند جميع المعلومات إلى البحوث العلمية المنشورة

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