Haitian Creole

sweet potato/ضمور

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Use of oil-in-water emulsions to control fungal deterioration of strawberry jams.

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This work aimed to control the fungal deterioration of strawberry jams. The antifungal activity of the clove, cinnamon leaf, lemon and mandarin essential oils and their effectiveness in oil-in-water emulsions were evaluated. According to the results obtained, only clove and cinnamon leaf oils were

Relationship between carbohydrate composition and fungal deterioration of functional strawberry juices preserved using non-thermal treatments.

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BACKGROUND The quantification of the main carbohydrates present in strawberry juices enriched with inulin and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and preserved by non-thermal techniques (vanillin and ultrasound) was conducted, in addition to an investigation of the evolution of these compounds and their

Efficiency of insect-proof net tunnels in reducing virus-related seed degeneration in sweet potato.

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Virus-related degeneration constrains production of quality sweet potato seed, especially under open field conditions. Once in the open, virus-indexed seed is prone to virus infection leading to decline in performance. Insect-proof net tunnels have been proven to reduce virus infection under

A global visual method for measuring the deterioration of strawberries in MAP.

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Evaluating the quality changes of packed strawberries during storage requires multiple, time consuming and costly measurements such as sensorial, chemical and decay identification. In order to efficiently assess the quality of strawberries in Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) while reducing the

Identification of a sweet potato feathery mottle virus isolate from China (SPFMV-CH) by the polymerase chain reaction with degenerate primers.

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Four degenerate oligonucleotide primers derived from conserved regions of the genome of potyviruses have been designed. A combined assay of reverse transcription and the polymerase chain reaction utilizing these primers on total RNA extracted from Ipomoea purpurea infected with a sweet potato

Different ethylene receptors show an increased expression during the ripening of strawberries: does such an increment imply a role for ethylene in the ripening of these non-climacteric fruits?

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Notwithstanding the economic importance of non-climacteric fruits like grape and strawberry, little is known about the mechanisms that regulate their ripening. Up to now no growth regulator has emerged with a primary role similar to that played by ethylene in the ripening of the climacteric fruits.

First Report of Strawberry as a Natural Host of Apple mosaic virus.

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Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) has been reported to naturally infect a number of hosts in the Rosaceae family including Rosa spp., Malus spp., and Rubus spp. etc., as well as several hosts such as Humulus spp. and Betula spp. in other plant families (2), but has not been reported to naturally infect

Isolation and diversity analysis of resistance gene analogues (RGAs) from cultivated and wild strawberries.

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Degenerate oligonucleotide primers, designed based on conserved regions of Nucleotide Binding Site (NBS) domains from previously cloned plant resistance genes, were used to isolate Resistance Gene Analogues (RGAs) from wild and cultivated strawberries. Seven distinct families of RGAs of the NBS-LRR

Genetic diversity of Pto-like serine/threonine kinase disease resistance genes in cultivated and wild strawberries.

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Degenerate oligonucleotide primers, designed based on conserved regions of several serine-threonine kinases (STK) previously cloned in tomato and Arabidopsis, were used to isolate STK candidates in wild and cultivated strawberries. Seven distinct classes of STKs were identified from three related

Expression analysis of a ripening-specific, auxin-repressed endo-1, 4-beta-glucanase gene in strawberry.

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A cDNA (Cel1) encoding an endo-1,4-beta-glucanase (EGase) was isolated from ripe fruit of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa). The deduced protein of 496 amino acids contains a presumptive signal sequence, a common feature of cell wall-localized EGases, and one potential N-glycosylation site. Southern-

Application of microemulsions as coating in fresh cut strawberries

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The objective of this study was to evaluate microemulsions as a protective coating for fresh cut (FC) strawberries. The effectiveness of the coating was evaluated by physicochemical, fungal deterioration, and sensorial analysis. The fruits were processed and submitted to different treatments:

Differentiation Among Potyviruses Infecting Sweet Potato Based on Genus-and Virus-Specific Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction.

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Knowledge of virus diseases affecting sweet potato has been complicated due to the frequent occurrence of mixed infections and difficulties in isolating and purifying sweet potato viruses. A combined assay of reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) utilizing degenerate

Effect of heat treatment on quality, thermal and pasting properties of sweet potato starch during yearlong storage.

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BACKGROUND Proper postharvest handling and storage of sweet potato is an important link in the chain from producer to consumer or manufacturing industry. Heat treatments have been used as a non-chemical means to modify the postharvest quality and reduce pathogen levels and disease development of a

Diversity and evolutionary relationship of nucleotide binding site-encoding disease-resistance gene analogues in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam.).

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Most plant disease-resistance genes (R-genes) isolated so far encode proteins with a nucleotide binding site (NBS) domain and belong to a superfamily. NBS domains related to R-genes show a highly conserved backbone of an amino acid motif, which makes it possible to isolate resistance gene analogues

Potyvirus Complexes in Sweetpotato: Occurrence in Australia, Serological and Molecular Resolution, and Analysis of the Sweet potato virus 2 (SPV2) Component.

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A survey for viruses in sweetpotato revealed the presence of Sweet potato virus 2 (SPV2; synonymous to Sweet potato virus Y and Ipomoea vein mosaic virus), a tentative member of the genus Potyvirus, for the first time in Australia. The SPV2-infected sweetpotato plants were also infected with strains
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قاعدة بيانات الأعشاب الطبية الأكثر اكتمالا التي يدعمها العلم

  • يعمل في 55 لغة
  • العلاجات العشبية مدعومة بالعلم
  • التعرف على الأعشاب بالصورة
  • خريطة GPS تفاعلية - ضع علامة على الأعشاب في الموقع (قريبًا)
  • اقرأ المنشورات العلمية المتعلقة ببحثك
  • البحث عن الأعشاب الطبية من آثارها
  • نظّم اهتماماتك وابقَ على اطلاع دائم بأبحاث الأخبار والتجارب السريرية وبراءات الاختراع

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* تستند جميع المعلومات إلى البحوث العلمية المنشورة

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