Haitian Creole

sweeteners/تسوس سني

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Sugar substitutes in dental caries prevention. Significance of sorbitol and xylitol.

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To date, effective caries prevention largely relies on the regular use of fluoride and oral hygiene. The potential efficacy of basing caries prevention on nutritional modifications has been suggested a long time ago. Subsequently, a great number of laboratory, animal and clinical investigations have

[Sugar substitutes in the prevention of dental caries: review of the literature].

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The prevention of dental caries is not only limited to the use of fluorides or sealants which, in combination with health education programmes and an appropriate oral hygiene, decrease the prevalence of the disease. The partial substitution of sucrose with nonfermentable sweeteners in the diet have

Sugar substitutes, chewing gum and dental caries--a review.

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The prevalent use of chewing gum has prompted interest in its dental effects. Important defining aspects are the ability to use sugar substitutes in gum manufacture and the prolonged stimulation of a protective flow of saliva. The main sugar substitutes used are sorbitol and xylitol. Because it is

[Sugar substitutes--their significance in preventing dental caries].

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Sugar is the most prominent antagonist of teeth. In the Federal Republic of Germany, approx. 2 million tons of sugar were sold for human nutrition in 1986/87. The per capita consumption was 34.8 kg. The significance of sugar substitutes can be derived from the possibility to make some particularly

[Adentol (natural sweetener) and caries prevention].

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Numerous epidemiological, experimental and clinical studies have established, without doubt, the correlation between the consumption of dietary sugars and caries prevalence. The increase of the sugar consumption in Yugoslavia is in direct correlation with caries activity in children. One of the aims

Sugar substitutes in relation to the incidence of clinical and experimental caries.

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Examination of several human studies shows the relationship between sugar intake and dental caries to be complex and partly independent of dosage. Under certain conditions frequent consumption, even in combination with surprisingly low dosage, may lead to high caries incidence. The potential use of

[Significance of artificial sweeteners in caries prevention].

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Sugar substitutes are substances containing calories which taste sweet, but which are not fermented by the microorganisms in the mouth, or are fermented only slightly. Sugar substitutes can reduce the risk of tooth decay above all when contained in sweets consumed between main meals.

Xylitol, sweeteners, and dental caries.

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The purpose of this report was to provide an overview of xylitol and other polyol sweeteners and dental caries for clinicians and to discuss current applications for dental practice and potential community-based public health interventions. Xylitol, like other polyol sweeteners, is a naturally

Efficacy of sweeteners and sugar substitutes in caries prevention.

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The caries-preventive efficacy of sweeteners and sugar substitutes is not clearly established on an epidemiological scale. A review of cariogenicity assessments in vitro and in vivo as well as of human clinical caries trials, however, clearly demonstrates that the replacement of sugar by such

[Metabolism of the sugar substitute xylite by microorganisms of the human oral cavity].

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With the help of thin layer chromatography, human saliva was examined after varying lengths of incubation time of radioactively labelled xylitol to determine whether bacteria of the human oral cavity are able to use this sugar substitute. This showed that different activities occur in saliva which

Food labeling: health claims; dietary noncariogenic carbohydrate sweeteners and dental caries. Final rule.

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is adopting as a final rule, without change, the provisions of the interim final rule that amended the regulation authorizing a health claim on noncariogenic carbohydrate sweeteners and dental caries, i.e., tooth decay, to include isomaltulose as a substance

Food labeling: health claims; dietary noncariogenic carbohydrate sweeteners and dental caries. Final rule.

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing its decision to authorize the use of a health claim regarding the association between sucralose and the nonpromotion of dental caries. Based on its review of evidence described in the proposed rule and comments submitted on the proposed rule, the

[Palatinite--a new sugar substitute and its caries prophylactic evaluation].

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By means of programmed feeding experiments on rats, the caries-producing properties of a new sugar substitute Palat-nit were compared with those of other carbohydrates. The cariogenicity of Palatinit was significantly lower than that of sucrose and lactose and roughly comparable to that of

Quantitative comparison of adsorption and desorption of commonly used sweeteners in the oral cavity.

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Adsorption-desorption properties of different sweeteners in the oral cavity were evaluated using high performance liquid chromatography-based methodology. Three low calorie artificial sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfame potassium and sucralose), one steviol glycoside (rebaudioside A), and high

[Prophylaxis of dental caries using sugar substitutes].

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Among the three measures, which are capable of producing a preventive effect against caries only when applied combined, i.e. adequate fluoride supply, proper mouth hygiene and healthy nutrition, the latter is dealt with in greater detail. The use of sugar substitutes is discussed under the aspects
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