Haitian Creole

weight loss/حمى

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مقالاتالتجارب السريريةبراءات الاختراع
الصفحة 1 من عند 4771 النتائج

[Recurrent fever, nocturnal sweating, weight loss].

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A 69-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital for fever of unknown origin with nightsweats and weight loss. Diagnosis of endocarditis lenta with streptococcus viridans and a preexisting mitral-valve prolapse with small regurgitation jet was established. Signs and symptoms of endocarditis lenta

Indolent fever, weight loss and spleen infiltrate.

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This is a case of a young female who was admitted to our department with fever of one month in duration, without a specific pattern, anemia, lymphadenopathy and weight loss. The initial clinical and radiological evaluation and laboratory tests, although extensive, were unrevealing. The patient's

[Fever and weight loss as leading symptoms of infection with giardia lamblia].

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Infections, malignancies and autoimmune diseases are the most important causes of fever of unknown origin.A case report of a 80-year old patient is described, who was admitted to our hospital because of fever lasting more than 2 weeks, weight loss and lack of appetite. Physical examination did not

[Weight loss, fever, dyspnea].

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A 41-year-old homosexual man complained about weight loss of 14 kg over a period of 6 months. He developed exertional dyspnea and fever up to 39.6 degrees C. The ESR was elevated and the fraction of immature neutrophils increased. Penicillin was administered with no effect, chest X-ray showed basal

Fever,Weight Loss and Early Satiety due to Gastric Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor; Case Report and Literature Review.

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Gastric inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) is a rare tumor with and unpredictable prognosis usually find in young adults. We present an 18-yearold man with gastric IMT. He complained of epigastric pain, intermittent fever and night sweating associated with weight loss since two years ago.

Acute toxoplasmosis in hamsters and mice: measurement of pathogenicity by fever and weight loss.

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Infections with 4 strains of Toxoplasma gondii were studied in mice and hamsters. In mice, infections with strains RH, T-1, and T-45 were always fatal, but strain ts-4 infection was not (ie, the mice survived). In hamsters, the RH strain always gave rise to a fatal infection and the T-1 strain

[Fever and weight loss in a 57-year-old patient].

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Presentation of a 57-year-old female patient with fever of unknown origin, asthenia, and weight loss for I month. History and examination were unremarkable. Blood analysis showed an important inflammatory syndrome. Other paraclinic tests were all normal. Finally, sophisticated exams (CT-scan, and

[Three children with general malaise, fever, weight loss and cervical lymphadenopathy].

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Combinations of symptoms such as general malaise, fever, weight loss and cervical lymphadenopathy have extensive differential diagnoses. In three children, girls aged 11, 13 and 17 years who presented with these symptoms, three different diagnoses were obtained. The first had Hodgkin's disease, the

The triad of weight loss, fever and night sweating: isolated bone marrow tuberculosis, a case report.

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Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is known to be the infection in an organ with or without pulmonary involvement. The infection in extrapulmonary tuberculosis is insidious and the symptoms and signs are generally nonspecific. We describe a 56-year-old male patient complaining of weight loss, fever, and

[A 22 year old woman with fever, night sweats, weight loss and hepatomegaly].

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A 22 year old female patient presented with fever, night sweats, weight loss and hepatomegaly associated with elevated inflammatory parameters and liver enzymes. Computer tomography revealed a mass located between the inferior vena cava and the psoas muscle as well as enlarged celiac,

[Parotid swelling with night sweat, fever and weight loss symptoms. A rare differential diagnosis].

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METHODS A 29-year-old patient complained of recurrent swelling of the eyelids and cheeks, fever, diffuse headaches, night sweat and weight loss (8 kg during 8 weeks). Both parotid glands showed swelling which were solid, plain and non-painful to pressure. Palpation did not reveal enlarged lymph

Effects of hyperthermia on the mouse testis and its response to X-rays, as assayed by weight loss.

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The effects of both hyperthermia alone and X-rays combined with hyperthermia on mouse testis have been investigated. Testis weight on heating time was observed for temperatures in the range 39.5 to 43.75 degrees C. The relationship between the reaction rate and the reciprocal of absolute temperature

Intestinal obstruction, progressive weight loss, and recurrent fever in two patients with mesenteric lesions.

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We describe 2 patients who presented with fever and incomplete intestinal obstruction. Previously, both patients had had laparotomies showing unresectable lesions in the root of the mesentery which were histologically diagnosed as sclerosing mesenteritis in the first and mesenteric fibromatosis in

A 50-year-old male with fever, cough, dyspnoea, chest pain, weight loss and night sweats.

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Can you diagnose this case of a 50-year-old male with a 10-week history of high fever, mucopurulent cough, dyspnoea, right-sided chest pain, weight loss and night sweats

[A 47-year-old dog breeder with chronic polyarthritis, weight loss and high fever].

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A 47-year-old dog breeder had suffered from unclassified polyarthritis for four years. During immunomodulatory therapy of an assumed seronegative chronic polyarthritis with Leflunomid and Adalimumab he developed severe systemic inflammatory disease with high fever, weight loss, and severe
انضم إلى صفحتنا على الفيسبوك

قاعدة بيانات الأعشاب الطبية الأكثر اكتمالا التي يدعمها العلم

  • يعمل في 55 لغة
  • العلاجات العشبية مدعومة بالعلم
  • التعرف على الأعشاب بالصورة
  • خريطة GPS تفاعلية - ضع علامة على الأعشاب في الموقع (قريبًا)
  • اقرأ المنشورات العلمية المتعلقة ببحثك
  • البحث عن الأعشاب الطبية من آثارها
  • نظّم اهتماماتك وابقَ على اطلاع دائم بأبحاث الأخبار والتجارب السريرية وبراءات الاختراع

اكتب أحد الأعراض أو المرض واقرأ عن الأعشاب التي قد تساعد ، واكتب عشبًا واطلع على الأمراض والأعراض التي تستخدم ضدها.
* تستند جميع المعلومات إلى البحوث العلمية المنشورة

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