Haitian Creole

lupinus bicolor/запаленне

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Старонка 1 ад 17 вынікі

Lupine protein hydrolysates decrease the inflammatory response and improve the oxidative status in human peripheral lymphocytes.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Although cell-free systems and immortalized cell lines have been used to demonstrate the potential health benefits of lupine proteins and peptides, no study has examined the effects of lupine protein hydrolysates (LPHs) on the immune and oxidative responses of non-immortalized human cells.

Peptides from extruded lupin (Lupinus albus L.) regulate inflammatory activity via the p38 MAPK signal transduction pathway in RAW 264.7 cells

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
In this study, protein was extracted from extruded lupin and submitted to gastroduodenal digests to obtain lupin peptides, which were characterized using ultraperformance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). After that, IQDKEGIPPDQQR (IQD), the lupine peptide monomer

GPETAFLR, a biopeptide from Lupinus angustifolius L., protects against oxidative and inflammatory damage in retinal pigment epithelium cells.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
GPETAFLR, an octapeptide released from the enzymatic hydrolysis of lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.) protein, has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effect in myeloid lineage. This work aims to evaluate in retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells the protective role of GPETAFLR on both oxidative and

GPETAFLR, a peptide from Lupinus angustifolius L. prevents inflammation in microglial cells and confers neuroprotection in brain.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца

Neuroinflammation is a complex inflammatory process in the central nervous system (CNS) where microglia may play a critical role. GPETAFLR is a peptide isolated from Lupinus angustifolius L. protein hydrolysates with functional activity in mononuclear

Narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) β-conglutin proteins modulate the insulin signaling pathway as potential type 2 diabetes treatment and inflammatory-related disease amelioration.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
We have investigated the potential use of β-conglutin protein isoforms from narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) as a diabetes treatment. We produced purified recombinant β1-, β2-, β3-, β4-, and β6-conglutin proteins and showed that β1, β3, and β6 could bind to insulin. To assess

Narrow-Leafed Lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) Seeds Gamma-Conglutin is an Anti-Inflammatory Protein Promoting Insulin Resistance Improvement and Oxidative Stress Amelioration in PANC-1 Pancreatic Cell-Line.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
(1) Background: Inflammation molecular cues and insulin resistance development are some of the main contributors for the development and advance of the pathogenesis of inflammatory-related diseases; (2) Methods: We isolated and purified γ-conglutin protein from narrow-leafed lupin (NLL or blue

Antimicrobial Emulsifier - Glycerol Monolaurate Induces Metabolic Syndrome, Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis and Systemic Low-Grade Inflammation in Low-Fat Diet Fed Mice.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Glycerol monolaurate (GML) is widely consumed worldwide in the food industry and is considered safe, but for chronic diseases, supporting scientific data remain sparse. This study investigates whether dietary GML induces metabolic syndrome, gut microbiota dysbiosis, and systemic low-grade

Comparative psychopharmacologic investigation of cryogenine, certain non-steroid anti-inflammatory compounds, lupin alkaloids and cyproheptadine.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца

Protective effect of a vegetable extract from Lupinus albus (LU 105) on human gingival elastic fibers degradation by human leukocyte elastase.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
The aim of this study was to determine if a vegetable extract from seeds of Lupinus albus (LU 105) has the capacity to inhibit human leukocyte elastase and/or protect gingival elastic fibers against proteolytic degradation. LU105 was extracted from seeds of L albus and is freely soluble in water. In

A lupine (Lupinus angustifolious L.) peptide prevents non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in high-fat-diet-induced obese mice.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Bioactive peptides are related to the prevention and treatment of many diseases. GPETAFLR is an octapeptide that has been isolated from lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.) and shows anti-inflammatory properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential activity of GPETAFLR to prevent

Narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) seed β-conglutins reverse the induced insulin resistance in pancreatic cells.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Insulin resistance (IR) is the main contributor to the development of type 2 diabetes. In this study, we have purified recombinant β-conglutin proteins (rβ1 to rβ4, and rβ6) from narrow-leafed lupin (NLL) by using affinity chromatography. The objective of this study was to evaluate the capacity of

GPETAFLR, an octapeptide isolated from Lupinus angustifolius L. protein hydrolysate, promotes the skewing to the M2 phenotype in human primary monocytes.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
The present study aimed to test the mechanisms by which GPETAFLR, released from the enzymatic hydrolysis of lupine protein, may modulate the inflammatory response and plasticity in human primary monocytes. Human circulating monocytes and mature macrophages were used to analyze the effects of

Germinated and Ungerminated Seeds Extract from Two Lupinus Species: Biological Compounds Characterization and In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluations.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
In recent years, nutraceuticals attracted a great amount of attention in the biomedical research due to their significant contribution as natural agents for prevention of various health issues. Ethanolic extracts from the ungerminated and germinated seeds of Lupinus albus L. and Lupinus

A plant-based allergy vaccine suppresses experimental asthma via an IFN-gamma and CD4+CD45RBlow T cell-dependent mechanism.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Allergic asthma is currently considered a chronic airway inflammatory disorder associated with the presence of activated CD4(+) Th2-type lymphocytes, eosinophils, and mast cells. Interestingly, therapeutic strategies based on immune deviation and suppression have been shown to successfully attenuate

Diets containing inulin but not lupins help to prevent swine dysentery in experimentally challenged pigs.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Swine dysentery is a contagious mucohemorrhagic diarrheal disease caused by the intestinal spirochete Brachyspira hyodysenteriae that colonizes and induces inflammation of the cecum and colon. It has been reported that a diet containing chicory root and sweet lupin can prevent swine dysentery. This
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