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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of low-glycemic index (GI) sweet potato starch on adipocytokines, pro-inflammatory status, and insulin signaling in the high-fructose diet-induced insulin-resistant rat. We randomly divided 24 insulin-resistant rats and 16 normal rats into two
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Hippocampal insulin resistance is the key factor in cognitive deficits. The obesity induces chronic inflammation and the inflammation molecules suppressors of cytokine signaling3 (SOCS3) and galectin-3 directly impair the insulin signaling. The anti-inflammation properties of purple sweet potato
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Purple sweet potato color (PSPC), a class of naturally occurring anthocyanins, has been reported to possess a variety of health-promoting properties. Emerging evidence indicates that PSPC can suppress postprandial hyperglycemia via inhibition of α-glucosidases. However, the protective effects of
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Prevention of obesity-induced cognitive decline is an important public health goal. Purple sweet potato color (PSPC), a class of naturally occurring anthocyanins, has beneficial potentials including antioxidant and neuroprotective activity. Evidence shows that anthocyanins can activate AMP-activated
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Adiponectin is a 30kDa protein exclusively produced and secreted from adipocytes and as a cytokine has been found to link obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. Production of biologically active adiponectin in large scale is desirable for pharmaceutical applications. Mouse adiponectin
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Starch digestion in the gastrointestinal tract has different properties depending on its botanical source. In this study, corn, wheat, rice, and potato starches were used to test the digestion properties of mammalian mucosal α-glucosidase in an in vitro assay, and their physiological effects were
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Potatoes, a high glycemic form of carbohydrate, are hypothesized to increase insulin resistance and risk of type 2 diabetes.
The objective was to examine prospectively the relation between potato consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes.
We conducted a prospective
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Edible plants such as sweet potato are sources of natural antioxidants that can be exploited in the management and treatment of insulin resistance. This present study investigated the effects of the extracts of an orange-fleshed sweet potato on oxidative stress biomarkers (glutathione status and
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Antidiabetic effects of white skinned sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) (WSSP) and troglitazone, an insulin sensitizer, were investigated. Hyperinsulinemia in Zucker fatty rats was reduced by 23%, 26%, 60% and 50%, respectively, 3, 4, 6 and 8 weeks after starting the oral administration of WSSP.
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The gut microbiome plays a pivotal role in human health and is affected by various factors. To investigate the association between phenotypic and microbiota-related changes in the gut and a raw starch-based diet, we fed mice with different starch substitutes (corn, wheat, rice, and potato) for 16
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Background: White sweet potato (WSP) has many potential beneficial effects on metabolic control and on diabetes-related insulin resistance. The antihyperglycemic effects of Tainung No. 10 (TNG10), a variety of WSP in Taiwan, warrant investigation.
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Evidence for a critical pathophysiological role of aberrant cytoskeletal dynamics is being uncovered in a growing number of neuropsychiatric syndromes. A sedentary lifestyle as well as overt psychopathology is prevalent in patients with the metabolic syndrome. Using mice deficient in gelsolin
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We examined the effects of an arabinogalactanprotein (WSSP-AGP) from Ipomoea batatas L. on hyperglycemia in db/db mice. An oral glucose tolerance test indicated significantly decreased plasma glucose levels by WSSP-AGP. Additionally, an insulin tolerance test found improvement in insulin sensitivity
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This study compared the effects of non-acylated and acylated anthocyanin-rich extracts on plasma metabolic profiles of Zucker diabetic fatty rats. The rats were fed with non-acylated anthocyanin extract from bilberries (NAAB) or acylated anthocyanin extract from purple potatoes (AAPP), at daily
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Resistant starch (RS) has been shown to improve postprandial glycemia and insulin sensitivity in adults with metabolic syndrome. RS is found naturally in potatoes, where the amount varies based on cooking method and serving temperature. Thirty females with a mean BMI of 32.8 ± 3.7 kg/m2,
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