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Chamomile is most popular used medicinal plant and extensively consumed as a tea or tisanes. Traditionally this plant was used for treatment of many ailments such as allergy disorders and inflammatory mediated diseases.
We investigated the effects of anti-allergic activity of
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In this study, the biological activity of 20 essential oils (EOs) from herbal plants and citrus fruits were investigated in terms of mammalian DNA polymerase (pol) inhibitory activity, cancer cell (human colon carcinoma, HCT116) growth inhibitory activity, antiallergic activity, as
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The single peroral administration of the ethyl acetate extract or essential oil of German chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) showed remarkable antipruritic effects in the compound 48/80-induced itch-scratching test in ddY mice, if suitable vehicle was used. The ethyl acetate extract or essential oil
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The antipruritic effects of the diets containing German chamomile on the compound 48/80-induced scratching in ddY mice were examined. Since it is reported that an injection of compound 48/80, but not histamine, induced scratching behaviour due to itch but not to pain in ddY mice (Kuraishi et al.,
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