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Acute diarrhea is one of the most common childhood diseases. The main aim of therapy is oral rehydration, mostly using a glucose-electrolyte solution. Results from a previous study (DIALOG I) investigating adjuvant treatment with a medicinal preparation containing an apple
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In a prospective, double-blind, randomised, multicentre, parallel group study, children (6 months to 5.5 years of age) with acute, non-complicated diarrhea received either a preparation containing apple pectin and chamomile extract (Diarrhoesan, n = 39) or placebo (n = 40) in addition to the usual
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(1) Functional dyspepsia is extremely common, yet few if any treatments have been shown to be effective. This review examines the potential benefits and risks of using herbal products in treating symptoms of dyspepsia. (2) About forty plants have been approved in France in the composition of
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The effect of Matricaria chamomilla (M. chamomilla) on the development of morphine dependence and expression of abstinence was investigated in rats. The frequencies of withdrawal behavioral signs (paw tremor, rearing, teeth chattering, body shakes, ptosis, diarrhea, and urination) and weight loss
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Matricaria recutita L. (Chamomile) has been widely used in the Tunisian traditional medicine for the treatment of digestive system disorders. The present work aims to investigate the protective effects of chamomile decoction extract (CDE) against castor oil-induced diarrhea and oxidative
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A total of 28 plant extracts, belonging to 26 different plant species are commonly used in Traditional Mexican Medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea.
To evaluate the effect of medicinal plant extracts on induced hyperperistalsis in
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Periodontal disease is the major cause of tooth loss in adults. Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans are considered key pathogens in periodontitis. The treatment consists of oral hygiene education, instrumentation for removal of calculus (scaling), chemotherapy and
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The use of medicinal plants is an option for livestock farmers who are not allowed to use allopathic drugs under certified organic programs or cannot afford to use allopathic drugs for minor health problems of livestock.
In 2003 we conducted semi-structured interviews with 60
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Diarrhea is a serious public health problem in Mexico and other countries. An alternative widely used in the treatment of diarrhea is the use of medicinal herbs. Infusions of chamomile and star anise, which have anti-inflammatory and antimotility properties, could help alleviate
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Gastrointestinal disorders are common childhood complaints. Particular types of complementary and alternative medicine, such as herbal medicine, are commonly used among children. Research information on efficacy, safety, or dosage forms is still lacking.
To systematically
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