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Objective: This study evaluated the antibiofilm and anti-caries effects of an experimental mouth rinse containing aqueous extract of Matricaria chamomilla L.
Methods: Microcosm
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Tobacco smoking is a culprit of many pathological lesions on the oral mucosa. In this literature review we focused on various therapeutic options for tobacco induced mucosal pathologies. Many active ingredients of Aloe vera, Chamomile, Curcuma longa and Calendula show potent anti-inflammatory and
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Antiseptic rinses have been successfully used in inflammatory states of the gums and oral cavity mucosa. Antibacterial effects of chlorhexidine, essential oils and some herbs are well documented. Reaction of host tissue to these substances has much poorer documentation. The aim of the study was to
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It has been reported that cedarwood oil has sedative effects when inhaled. In this study, we evaluated sedative effects of inhaled cedrol, which is a major component of cedarwood oil. Accumulative spontaneous motor activity was significantly decreased in the cedrol-exposed Wistar rats. Similar
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The promotion of oral health in pediatrics stands as an institutional requirement in countries such as Italy where children's dental disorders still register a high incidence despite high levels of general health. Guidelines indicate the need to target a large age group and stress the relevance of
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The aim of this study is to compare cryotherapy made only with water and cryotherapy made with chamomile infusion for prevention and reduction of intensity of oral mucositis in patients with cancer receiving 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin.
This is a randomized pilot study with two groups: cryotherapy
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Despite the protective role of diets rich in fruit plant polyphenols against some cancers and chronic degenerative and inflammatory diseases, insufficient emphasis has been placed on oral health. Numerous studies have aimed to ascertain the role of polyphenols in the prevention and treatment of oral
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(-)-α-Bisabolol is an unsaturated, optically active sesquiterpene alcohol obtained by the direct distillation of essential oil from plants such as Vanillosmopsis erythropappa and Matricaria chamomilla. (-)-α-Bisabolol has generated considerable economic interest, as it possesses a delicate floral
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(-)-α-Bisabolol (BISA) is an unsaturated monocyclic sesquiterpenes compound, mainly found in the essential oil of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla). It has been reported that this compound has several biological activities, but there are few studies evaluating the activity of this compound in the
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Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a common clinical condition producing painful ulcerations in the oral cavity. However, there has been no optimal therapeutic approach. Topical and systemic steroids commonly prescribed for the condition have local and systemic side-effects. Recently,
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