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From the dried flower heads of Matricaria recutita L., essential oil was isolated by hydrodistillation, and in the obtained blue oil, α-bisabolol oxide A (21.5%), α-bisabolol oxide B (25.5%) and (Z)-spiroether (cis-en-yn-spiroether) (10.3%) were identified as the main compounds, by gas
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Five plants (Myrtus communis, Apium graveolens, Matricaria chamomilla, Withania somnifera and Achillea santolina) grown in Iraq were assessed for their anti-inflammatory activity on intact rats by measuring the suppression of carrageenan-induced paw edema produced by 1/10 of the intraperitoneal LD50
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Hemorrhoidal disease is a very common disease characterized by the presence of a mucous prolapse of the rectum and by varicosis of the hemorrhoidal plexus. Medical therapy is mainly indicated for the treatment of symptoms such as bleeding, pain and itching. The use of the micronized purified
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Fumonisins are mycotoxins produced by Fusarium moniliforme that are prevalent in cereals and other agricultural products. These mycotoxins have been pointed to as a natural cause of equine leukoencephalomalacia, porcine pulmonary edema, and human esophageal cancer. A total of 87 samples, 18 black
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The use of medicinal plants is an option for livestock farmers who are not allowed to use allopathic drugs under certified organic programs or cannot afford to use allopathic drugs for minor health problems of livestock.
In 2003 we conducted semi-structured interviews with 60
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Ambulatory surgery patients often use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. CAM therapies may create beneficial and detrimental perioperative conditions.
We sought to improve knowledge of CAM effects in dermatologic surgery, allowing dermatologists to
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