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Despite the advances in treatment, fatigue is a common symptom experienced by many patients undergoing hemodialysis, and is associated with poor health-related quality of life. The aim of the present study was to explore the impact of foot massage with chamomile oil and almond oil on
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Despite being the most commonly used herbal for sleep disorders, chamomile's (Matricaria recutita) efficacy and safety for treating chronic primary insomnia is unknown. We examined the preliminary efficacy and safety of chamomile for improving subjective sleep and daytime symptoms in
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To assess the efficiency of a medicinal herb extract preparation (Climex) for the treatment of menopausal symptoms.
In this placebo-controlled experiment on 55 postmenopausal women who complained of hot flushes and refused hormonal therapy. The women were randomly divided into two
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of chamomile tea on sleep quality, fatigue and depression in postpartum women.
Sleep quality is a significant issue for postnatal women. Chamomile is widely used as a folk remedy for its presumed sedative-hypnotic
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World-wide use of herbal medicines is increasing, following regulatory and manufacturing developments. Herbs are attractive alternative medications to many patients with sleep disorders, who may be averse to using conventional drugs. We review here the most common herbal stimulants and sedatives.
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