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The exposure to ultraviolet radiations (UVR) is the key source of skin sunburn; it may produce harmful entities, reactive oxygen species (ROS), leading to aging. The skin can be treated and protected from the injurious effects of ROS by using various pharmaceutical formulations, such as cream. Cream
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Natural molecules are becoming more accepted choices as cosmetic agents, many products in the market today claim to include natural components. Plants include many substances that could be of a value in the whitening skin and working as anti-aging agents. A wide range of articles related to natural
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The number of skin cancers continues to rise, accounting for approximately 40% of all cancers reported in the United States and approximately 9,500 deaths per year. Studies have shown reactive oxygen species (ROS) type free radicals are linked to skin cancer and aging. Therefore, it is important for
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Introduction: The stratum corneum protects against the entry of pathogens, allergens, and irritants while preventing dehydration. The Kelch-like erythroid cell-derived protein with cap-n-collar homology-associated protein 1
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Natural extracts (NE) with antioxidant properties can minimize the effects of photoaging. Photobiomodulation (PBM) has proven to be a useful tool for the modulation of cell metabolism. Here, we investigate the associations of antioxidants with PBM with the aim of promoting skin rejuvenation. We
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The cosmeceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar, consumer-driven market. Products promise highly desirable anti-aging benefits, but are not subject to regulation. We present an introduction to cosmeceuticals for the general and cosmetic dermatologist, including definitions and explanations of
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