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Matricaria chamomilla is an aromatic plant with antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, the inhibitory role of M. chamomilla on migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells remains unclear.
This study investigated the methods to evaluate these
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Despite the increased use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) by breast cancer patients, there is little published information regarding CAM use in the Scottish breast cancer population.
A questionnaire comprising five sections--demographics; perceived health status,
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Breast cancer is one of the most common causes of the death among women worldwide. Metabolic disorders, alcohol consumption, hormone replacement therapy, genetic susceptibility and not having children are well known risk factors for breast cancer. Surgical resection, radiation therapy, and
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Triple-negative breast cancer is categorized by a lack of hormone receptors, inefficacy of anti-estrogen or aromatase inhibitor chemotherapies and greater mortality rates in African American populations. Advanced-stage breast tumors have a high concentration of tumor necrosis factor-α
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Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) places a significant burden on the patient. Herbal agents are the most commonly complementary therapies used among the public. This study was done to determine the effect of ginger and chamomile capsules on nausea and vomiting in cases
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Epidemiological studies show that fruit- and vegetable-rich diets are associated with a reduced risk of developing certain forms of cancer, including breast cancer. In this study we demonstrate that a subcytotoxic concentration of apigenin, which is a flavone found at high concentrations in parsley,
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Chamaemelum nobile (Asteraceae) commonly known as 'Roman chamomile' is a medicinal plant used for numerous diseases in traditional medicine, although its anticancer activity is unknown. The present study was carried out to investigate the anticancer as well as apoptotic activity of ethyl acetate
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The present study aimed to investigate the antitumor activity and hepatoprotective effect of the MTC, when combined with CHAM oil nanoemulsion (NE), (CHAM-MTC) on the tumor growth.The in vitro study has assessed the antineoplastic effect of CHAM-MTC on the
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The essential oil of Matricaria chamomilla, collected from Nepal, was obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The major components in Nepalese chamomile oil were (E)-β-famesene (42.2%), α-bisabolol oxide A (22.3%), (E,E)-α-famesene (8.3%), cis-bicycloether
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