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While stigma anatomy is well documented for a good number of species, little information is available on the acquisition and cessation of stigmatic receptivity. The aim of this work is to characterize the development of stigma receptivity, from anthesis to stigma degeneration, in the pentacarpellar
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The Young's modulus of the primary cell walls of pears decreases linearly during the pre-harvest on-tree maturation and increases during postharvest storage, and does not correlate with firmness of fruit. The determination of mechanical properties of cell walls is indispensable for
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Although new storage technologies have been emerging in recent years, preservation of pear (Pyrus communis L.) remains a challenge for suppliers. Maintenance of desired organoleptic properties throughout cold storage using non-chemical strategies has been investigated and the use of edible
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Cellulose nanocrystal (CNC, 0%, 5%, and 10% w/w, in chitosan, dry basis) reinforced 2% chitosan aqueous coatings were evaluated for delaying the ripening and quality deterioration of postharvest green D'Anjou (Pyrus communis L.) and Bartlett (Pyrus communis L.) pears during 3 wk of ambient storage
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