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Histone acetylation in Zea mays. II. Biological significance of post-translational histone acetylation during embryo germination.

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Multiple forms of histone acetyltransferases and histone deacetylases, which have been separated and characterized in the accompanying manuscript (López-Rodas, G., Georgieva, E. I., Sendra, R., and Loidl, P. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 18745-18750), together with in vivo acetate incorporation, were

Specificity of Zea mays histone deacetylase is regulated by phosphorylation.

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Mono Q ion exchange high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) reveals that the main histone deacetylase activity (HD1) of germinating Zea mays embryos consists of multiple enzyme forms. Chromatography of HD1 after treatment with alkaline phosphatase yields two distinct histone deacetylase forms

Functional analysis of the promoter region of a maize (Zea mays L.) H3 histone gene in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana.

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A 1023 bp fragment and truncated derivatives of the maize (Zea mays L.) histone H3C4 gene promoter were fused to the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene and introduced via Agrobacterium tumefaciens into the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana. GUS activity was found in various meristems of transgenic plants as

Two independently inherited electrophoretic variants of the lysine-rich histones of maize (Zea mays).

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We report here the first instance of inherited intraspecific histone variation in plants. Maize lysine-rich histone I is composed of four subfractions that are electrophoretically distinct in long polyacrylamide gels. Initial segregation studies indicate that at least one subfraction shows mobility

The UmGcn5 gene encoding histone acetyltransferase from Ustilago maydis is involved in dimorphism and virulence.

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We isolated a gene encoding a histone acetyltransferase from Ustilago maydis (DC.) Cda., which is orthologous to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae GCN5 gene. The gene was isolated from genomic clones identified by their specific hybridization to a gene fragment obtained by the polymerase chain reaction

Changes in nucleosome position at transcriptional start sites of specific genes in Zea mays mediator of paramutation1 mutants.

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Nucleosomes facilitate compaction of DNA within the confines of the eukaryotic nucleus. This packaging of DNA and histone proteins must accommodate cellular processes, such as transcription and DNA replication. The repositioning of nucleosomes to facilitate cellular processes is likely regulated by
In plants, lateral roots play a crucial role in the uptake of water and nutrients. Several genes such as Zea mays Haem Oxygenase-1 (ZmHO-1) and Giberellic Acid-Stimulated Like-1 (ZmGSL-1) have been found to be involved in lateral root development. In the present investigation, we observed that heat

[The role of histone H3 acetylation on cleft palate in mice induced by 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzopdioxin ].

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OBJECTIVE To explore the role of histone H3 acetylation in cleft palate induced by 2, 3, 7, 8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in C57BL/6J mice, and its mechanism. METHODS On gestation day 10 (GD10), 36 pregnant mice were randomly divided into two groups as the treated group(n = 18) and the
Although benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) is an environmental endocrine disrupter, it has been unclear whether neonatal exposure to BaP affects the testosterone level and, if so, whether this influence persists into adulthood. In this present study, we gave neonatal rats (through oral gavages) doses of 0, 5,

A Common histone modification code on C4 genes in maize and its conservation in Sorghum and Setaria italica.

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C4 photosynthesis evolved more than 60 times independently in different plant lineages. Each time, multiple genes were recruited into C4 metabolism. The corresponding promoters acquired new regulatory features such as high expression, light induction, or cell type-specific expression in mesophyll or

Expression profile and cellular localization of maize Rpd3-type histone deacetylases during plant development.

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We analyzed the expression profile and cellular localization of the maize (Zea mays) Rpd3-type histone deacetylases genes ZmRpd3/101, ZmRpd3/102, and ZmRpd3/108 (indicated as ZmHDA101, ZmHDA102, and ZmHDA108 in the Plant Chromatin Database). This study shows that maize Rpd3 transcripts are present

Histone Deacetylase Is Required for GA-Induced Programmed Cell Death in Maize Aleurone Layers.

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Recent discoveries have shown that epigenetic regulation is an integral part of phytohormone-mediated processes. The phytohormone gibberellin (GA) triggers a series of events in cereal aleurone cells that lead to programmed cell death (PCD), but the signaling cascade mediating GA-induced PCD in
Epigenetic modifications play crucial roles in the regulation of chromatin architecture and are involved in cell cycle progression, including mitosis and meiosis. To explore the relationship between epigenetic modifications and the cell cycle, we treated maize (Zea mays) seedlings with six different

Complex characterization of oat (Avena sativa L.) lines obtained by wide crossing with maize (Zea mays L.).

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UNASSIGNED The oat × maize addition (OMA) lines are used for mapping of the maize genome, the studies of centromere-specific histone (CENH3), gene expression, meiotic chromosome behavior and also for introducing maize C4 photosynthetic system to oat. The aim of our study was the identification and
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), methoxylated PBDEs (MeO-PBDEs), and hydroxylated PBDEs (OH-PBDEs) are widely found in various environmental media, which is of concern given their biological toxicity. In this study, the phytotoxicities of BDE-47, 6-MeO-BDE-47, and 6-OH-BDE-47 to maize (Zea
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