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Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG Dosage Affects the Adjuvanticity and Protection Against Rotavirus Diarrhea in Gnotobiotic Pigs.

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OBJECTIVE The use of immunostimulatory strains of probiotics as adjuvants has been increasingly recognized as a promising approach in enhancing vaccine immunogenicity; however, dose effects of probiotic adjuvants are not well defined. In the present study, we examined dose effects of a commonly used

[Immunologic study of the non-pathogenic bacterial flora of the small intestine in children with persistent diarrhea].

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Twenty five children with diarrhea were studied. Ten children without diarrhea or that had the last episodic one year before biopsy, represented the control group. Jejunal juice and biopsy specimens obtained from each patient were cultured, and bacteria obtained from these were tested against a

Catechin rich butanol fraction extracted from Acacia catechu L. (a thirst quencher) exhibits immunostimulatory potential.

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Acacia catechu L., (Fabaceae) named as "catechu" is a plant, the decoction of heartwood of which is daily consumed as thirst quencher by a good percentage of the population in South India. The plant is mainly distributed in India and other Asian countries. It has been used in Indian
The immunostimulatory and immunomodulatory properties of selenium (Se), an essential trace element for animals, has increase its use because may prevent/or reduce the occurrence of infectious diseases. Thus, the aim of this study was to verify whether Se and vitamins (A and E) applied via

Evaluation of a Unani polyherbal formulation (Tiryaqe wabai) as an immunostimulator in elderly persons.

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OBJECTIVE Elderly subjects have a dysregulation of immune response mainly due to the changes in cell - mediated immunity. Due to their weakened immune response, the elderly are at increased risk of infection and related complications. In Unani medicine Tiryaq wabai was used for the prevention of

Anti-Helicobacter pylori activity and immunostimulatory effect of extracts from Byrsonima crassa Nied. (Malpighiaceae).

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BACKGROUND Several in vitro studies have looked at the effect of medicinal plant extracts against Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Regardless of the popular use of Byrsonima crassa (B. crassa) as antiemetic, diuretic, febrifuge, to treat diarrhea, gastritis and ulcers, there is no data on its
Antibiotic usage is the most commonly cited risk factor for hospital-acquired Clostridium difficile infections (CDI). The increased risk is due to disruption of the indigenous microbiome and a subsequent decrease in colonization resistance by the perturbed bacterial community; however, the specific

[Surface proteins of bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium].

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Beneficial effects due to the presence of probiotic bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium in the human intestinal tract are still an interesting object of study. So far activities have been confirmed of bifidobacteria in stimulation of the host immune system, stimulation of tumor cell apoptosis,
This study aims to establish a human gut microbiota (HGM) transplanted gnotobiotic (Gn) pig model of human rotavirus (HRV) infection and diarrhea, and to verify the dose-effects of probiotics on HRV vaccine-induced immune responses. Our previous studies using the Gn pig model found that probiotics

What can pestiviral endonucleases teach us about innate immunotolerance?

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Pestiviruses including bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), border disease virus (BDV) and classical swine fever virus (CSFV), occur worldwide and are important pathogens of livestock. A large part of their success can be attributed to the induction of central immunotolerance including B- and T-cells

Toxicological evaluation of 80% methanol extract of Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P.H. Raven leaves (Onagraceae) in BALB/c mice.

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BACKGROUND Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P. H. Raven (Family: Onagraceae), as a traditional Malay herbal medicine,has been used to treat gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhea and dysentery. OBJECTIVE To date there is no safety information about long term use of Ludwigia octovalvis, a

TLR2, but not TLR4, plays a predominant role in the immune responses to cholera vaccines.

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Vibrio cholerae can cause severe diarrhea and dehydration leading to high mortality and morbidity. Current cholera vaccines are formulated with KVC. Although the innate immune responses following vaccination deeply influence the induction of adaptive immunity, the initial recognition of cholera

Murine model of food allergy after epicutaneous sensitization: role of mucosal mast cell protease-1.

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OBJECTIVE Studies of the pathological mechanisms of food allergy have been impeded by the lack of relevant animal models. The purpose of this study was to develop a physiological model of food allergy that was not dependent on immunostimulatory adjuvants. METHODS Balb/c mice were epicutaneously

M-cell targeting of whole killed bacteria induces protective immunity against gastrointestinal pathogens.

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As the majority of human pathogens infect via a mucosal surface, delivery of killed vaccines by mucosal routes could potentially improve protection against many such organisms. Our ability to develop effective killed mucosal vaccines is inhibited by a lack of adjuvants that are safe and effective in

Antrodia cinnamomea Galactomannan Elicits Immuno-stimulatory Activity Through Toll-like Receptor 4.

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Antrodia cinnamomea (A. cinnamomea) is a medicinal fungus used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat different kinds of ailments, including liver diseases, abdominal pain, drug intoxication, diarrhea, itchy skin, hypertension, and cancer. Polysaccharides have been identified as one of the major
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