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Abdominal pain, indigestion, anorexia, nausea and vomiting.

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Non-specific abdominal complaints are a very frequent cause of discomfort. Even if only comparatively few are brought to the attention of the physician, they account for a considerable portion of the reasons for seeking medical care, both in acute and chronic conditions. On the other hand, few drugs

Effectiveness and tolerability of amidotrizoate for the treatment of constipation resistant to laxatives in advanced cancer patients.

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BACKGROUND Constipation is a common problem for advanced cancer patients, and is generally inadequately treated. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of amidotrizoate (AM) in patients unresponsive to current laxatives. METHODS A consecutive

Laxative abuse syndrome.

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Laxative abuse syndrome (LAS) is a type of Münchausen syndrome characterized by surreptitious abuse of purgatives. Clinical findings are often perplexing and may mimic inflammatory bowel disease or malabsorption syndromes. Patients frequently complain of diarrhea alternating with constipation and
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of early oral bowel stimulation with osmotic laxatives on gastrointestinal function, postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and pain in patients who undergo fast-track abdominal hysterectomy. METHODS This was a double-blind,
BACKGROUND PEG-based laxatives are considered today the gold standard for the treatment of constipation in children. PEG formulations differ in terms of composition of inactive ingredients which may have an impact on acceptance, compliance and adherence to treatment. We therefore compared the

Older people and laxative use: literature review and pilot study report.

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This study explored older adults' perceptions of constipation, and the measures taken if they believed themselves to be afflicted by this condition. The paper provides an overview of the current literature surrounding laxative use, followed by a discussion of the pilot study and its findings. The

Surreptitious laxative abuse--an unusual cause of chronic diarrhoea.

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Laxative abuse is an unusual but probably under-recognized cause of chronic diarrhoea. We describe two patients diagnosed to have this condition in our unit over a five-year period. The typical patient is a female presenting with severe, large-volume, watery diarrhoea. There may also be abdominal

Whole gut irrigation and Prepacol laxative preparation for colonoscopy: a comparison.

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Two techniques for preparation of the colon for colonoscopy were compared in a controlled trial. Fifty patients given a low residue diet and the laxative Prepacol were compared with 50 patients given whole gut irrigation. Significantly more patients suffered from vomiting (P = 0.0005), shivering (P

[Dose-response curve and preliminary clinical study of a laxative, lactilol].

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15 women complaining of chronic constipation were included in a prospective open trial to determine the laxative action and minimal effective dose of lactitol. Through the administration of increasing doses, an ED50 of 0.25 g/kg/day, was established. During a 15-day treatment period at the minimal

[Treatment of constipation and different laxative requirements in palliative medicine].

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The significance of constipation with its variety of possible complications is often underestimated in the context of the tumour patient's complaints although difficulties in stool management are more common in patients with advanced cancer than in those with other terminal diseases. Without

[Nausea, vomiting and constipation in palliative care].

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Nausea/vomiting and constipation are frequent symptoms among patients with advanced disease and short survival expectancy. The aim of this paper is to present the aetiology, diagnostic work-up, prophylaxis and treatment of these symptoms in palliative patients, based on a literature review and

Possible Effect of Concomitant Prokinetics and Herbal Medicines against Nausea in Patients Taking Lubiprostone.

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UNASSIGNED Lubiprostone is a novel laxative that sometimes causes nausea, but preventive strategies remain unconfirmed. UNASSIGNED We retrospectively chose 126 patients prescribed lubiprostone from 2013 to 2016. Medical records were reviewed to clarify whether nausea developed after administration

A huge gastric bezoar treated by traditional Chinese medicine purgative: A case report.

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Currently, the mainstream treatment for gastric bezoars is endoscopic lithotripsy. This report describes traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) purgative cured a 62-year-old woman with a huge gastric bezoar accompanied by isolated esophageal venous aneurysms and multiple bleeding gastric

A study of a new osmotic purgative for colonoscopy. Is Golytely worth its salt?

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An osmotic laxative containing polyethylene glycol and sodium sulfate (Golytely Braintree Laboratories, Inc., Braintree, MA) is widely used to clean the colon for colonoscopy. However, its salty taste makes the mixture unpalatable. We therefore tested the claim that a similar solution but without

Osmotic and stimulant laxatives for the management of childhood constipation.

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BACKGROUND Constipation within childhood is an extremely common problem. Despite the widespread use of osmotic and stimulant laxatives by health professionals to manage constipation in children, there has been a long standing paucity of high quality evidence to support this practice. OBJECTIVE We
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