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Evaluation of a new laxative-deflatulant in constipated, obese patients on restricted diets.

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Hypolipidemic effects of three purgative decoctions.

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In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), purgation is indicated when a person suffers an illness due to the accumulation of evil internal heat. Obese individuals with a large belly, red face, thick and yellow tongue fur, constipation, and avoidance of heat are thought accumulates of evil internal

The impact of a school-based obesity prevention trial on disordered weight-control behaviors in early adolescent girls.

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OBJECTIVE To assess the impact of an obesity prevention intervention on use of self-induced vomiting/laxatives (purging) and diet pills to control weight in girls in early adolescence. METHODS We matched and randomly assigned 10 middle schools to an intervention or a control condition in a

School-based overweight preventive intervention lowers incidence of disordered weight-control behaviors in early adolescent girls.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the effect of a school-based intervention to promote healthful nutrition and physical activity on disordered weight-control behaviors (self-induced vomiting or use of laxatives or diet pills to control weight) in early adolescent girls and boys. METHODS Using a

Disordered eating behaviours and cognitions in young women with obesity: relationship with psychological status.

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OBJECTIVE To examine levels of eating disorder behaviours and cognitions of young women with obesity in the Australian Capital Territory, Australia and assess the impact upon psychological status. METHODS General population cross-sectional survey. METHODS A total of 4891 young women from the

Self-monitoring has no adverse effect on disordered eating in adults seeking treatment for obesity.

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UNASSIGNED Although monitoring is considered a key component of effective behaviour change, the development of apps has allowed consumers to constantly evaluate their own diet, with little examination of what this might mean for eating behaviour. The aim of this study was to investigate whether

School-Based Obesity-Prevention Policies and Practices and Weight-Control Behaviors among Adolescents.

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The promotion of healthy eating and physical activity within school settings is an important component of population-based strategies to prevent obesity; however, adolescents may be vulnerable to weight-related messages, as rapid development during this life stage often leads to preoccupation with
Red Liriope platyphylla extract (EtRLP) has been used as an oriental medicine for treatment of several chronic conditions, such as neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes, and obesity. To investigate the laxative activity of EtRLP, the levels of key constipation markers and their molecular regulators

Binge eating in overweight women.

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Data on the prevalence and characteristics of binge eating in a series of 64 obese women participating in a controlled weight-reduction program are presented. Twenty-two (34.4%) reported recurrent binge eating episodes defined as overeating plus loss of control as assessed by patients' self-report

Potential risks associated with the use of herbal anti-obesity products.

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The public wants an easy way to control obesity. Herbal anti-obesity products attract users because of their health claims, assumed safety, easy availability and extensive marketing. These products can be very heterogeneous in nature and have unpredictable levels of active ingredients, and

Bulimia nervosa in overweight individuals.

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Patients who have bulimia nervosa and are overweight have received little attention in the medical literature. The authors identified 25 patients who weighed greater than or equal to 130% of their ideal body weight out of a series of 591 patients with bulimia nervosa. This subgroup was contrasted

Physician Weight-Related Counseling Is Unrelated to Extreme Weight Loss Behaviors Among Overweight and Obese Adolescents.

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Some physicians may be hesitant to counsel overweight and obese adolescents about weight because of concerns that such counseling may result in extreme weight loss behaviors and the subsequent development of eating disorders. We compared self-reported extreme weight loss behaviors in 535

Binge eating and weight loss behaviors of overweight and obese college students.

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OBJECTIVE To investigate binge eating (BE) and weight-related behaviors in overweight and obese college students. METHODS This was a secondary analysis of data from 487 overweight and obese college-age students from a private university in the northeastern United States. CONCLUSIONS BE was reported

Binge eating in the obese.

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This review will first describe problems in the definition of the term binge eating, especially in the absence of purging (vomiting, laxative abuse). We highlight current approaches in the classification of obesity, and then provide an overview of the available literature on differences between

Binge-eating, self-induced vomiting and laxative abuse: a community study.

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Following a television documentary on bulimia nervosa, people who thought that they had this type of eating problem were asked to complete a confidential questionnaire. 579 women who fulfilled self-report diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa were thereby identified. These women closely resembled
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