Haitian Creole

Autoimmune Diseases and Serum Autoantibodies in NCWS and IBS Patients

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University of Palermo

Klíčová slova


In recent years, a new gluten- or wheat-related disease has emerged, a condition labelled "non-celiac gluten sensitivity" (NCGS) or "non-celiac wheat sensitivity" (NCWS). Given the lack of a diagnostic biomarker, NCGS/NCWS mostly remains a diagnosis of exclusion, especially respect to CD and WA, so a confirmatory test is required. The Salerno experts suggested the double-blind, placebo-controlled (DBPC), cross-over, gluten/wheat challenge as the gold standard test to discriminate true NCGS/NCWS patients. There are conflicting data about the real mechanisms which induce symptoms in NCGS/NCWS patients after wheat ingestion. Some Authors suggested a prevalent role for Fermentable Oligosaccharides-Disaccharides-Monosaccharides and Polyols (FODMAPs), rather than gluten in determining the symptoms. Other studies underlined the activation of mechanisms of both innate and acquired immunity in NCWS patients, after wheat ingestion. In the present study, we included a group of consecutive NCWS patients, diagnosed with DBPC wheat challenge, to evaluate a) the frequency of autoimmune diseases, b) the frequency and pattern of serum ANA and other non-organ-specific and/or organ-specific autoantibodies, and c) the possible correlations between autoimmune diseases and serum autoantibodies presence and other NCWS-related disease characteristics, in comparison with age- and sex- matched healthy blood donors and IBS patients unrelated to NCWS.


In recent years, a new gluten- or wheat-related disease has emerged, a condition labelled "non-celiac gluten sensitivity" (NCGS) or "non-celiac wheat sensitivity" (NCWS). This is very often a self-reported condition, since patients refer to intestinal (mainly irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)-like) and/or extra-intestinal symptoms (i.e. fatigue, headache) caused by gluten or wheat ingestion, even though they do not have celiac disease (CD) or wheat allergy (WA). Given the lack of a diagnostic biomarker, NCGS/NCWS mostly remains a diagnosis of exclusion, especially respect to CD and WA, so a confirmatory test is required. The Salerno experts suggested the double-blind, placebo-controlled (DBPC), cross-over, gluten/wheat challenge as the gold standard test to discriminate true NCGS/NCWS patients.

However, there are conflicting data about the real mechanisms which induce symptoms in NCGS/NCWS patients after wheat ingestion. Some Authors suggested a prevalent role for Fermentable Oligosaccharides-Disaccharides-Monosaccharides and Polyols (FODMAPs), rather than gluten in determining the symptoms. Other studies underlined the activation of mechanisms of both innate and acquired immunity in NCWS patients, after wheat ingestion. In line with the evidence of an immunologic activation in NCWS, we showed in a previous study that about one quarter of NCWS patients suffered from associated autoimmune diseases (mainly Hashimoto's thyroiditis), compared with a smaller proportion of a control group including IBS patients (about 3%). Furthermore, we showed that serum samples of NCWS patients tested positive for anti-nuclear (ANA) in more than one third of the cases. However, that study included mainly patients evaluated in a retrospective manner and no other autoantibodies were evaluated apart from ANA.

In the present study, we included a group of consecutive NCWS patients, diagnosed with DBPC wheat challenge, to evaluate a) the frequency of autoimmune diseases, b) the frequency and pattern of serum ANA and other non-organ-specific and/or organ-specific autoantibodies, and c) the possible correlations between autoimmune diseases and serum autoantibodies presence and other NCWS-related disease characteristics, in comparison with age- and sex- matched healthy blood donors and IBS patients unrelated to NCWS.


Poslední ověření: 03/31/2020
První předloženo: 08/30/2019
Odhadovaná registrace vložena: 08/30/2019
První zveřejnění: 09/03/2019
Poslední aktualizace byla odeslána: 04/16/2020
Poslední aktualizace zveřejněna: 04/19/2020
Aktuální datum zahájení studie: 12/31/2015
Odhadované datum dokončení primární: 12/31/2016
Odhadované datum dokončení studie: 10/29/2018

Stav nebo nemoc

Non-celiac Gluten Sensitivity
Non-celiac Wheat Sensitivity



Skupiny zbraní

PažeIntervence / léčba
NCGS/NCWS patients
Adult patients with a definitive diagnosis of NCWS, based on DBPC wheat challenge, most of them suffering from IBS-like-clinical presentation, according to Rome IV criteria. The patients were consecutively recruited between January 2016 and October 2017 at the outpatient clinics of the Department of Internal Medicine of the University Hospital of Palermo and the Department of Internal Medicine of the Hospital of Sciacca (both in southern Italy)
Heathy blood donors
Consecutive healthy blood donors sex- (+ 5%) and age-matched (+ 2 years) with the NCWS patients.
IBS patients
Consecutive patients with a diagnosis of IBS unrelated to NCWS or other types of food "intolerance/allergy", who were consecutively recruited during the study period and sex- (+ 5%) and age-matched (+ 2 years) with the NCWS patients.

Kritéria způsobilosti

Věky způsobilé ke studiu 18 Years Na 18 Years
Pohlaví způsobilá ke studiuAll
Metoda vzorkováníNon-Probability Sample
Přijímá zdravé dobrovolníkyNe


Inclusion criteria:

- resolution of symptoms on a standard elimination diet, without wheat, cow's milk, yeast, and other food(s) causing self-reported symptoms

- symptom reappearance on a DBPC wheat challenge. As in previous studies, a DBPC cow's milk protein challenge and other open food challenges were also performed

- age above 18 years and <65 years

- follow-up duration longer than 12 months after the initial diagnosis

- at least two outpatient visits during the follow-up period.

Exclusion criteria:

- positive serum assays for celiac disease (i.e. anti-tissue transglutaminase (anti-tTG) IgA and anti-deamidated gliadin peptides (anti-DGP) IgG antibodies)

- presence of intestinal villous atrophy, documented in all the patients carrying the DQ2 and/or the DQ8 HLA haplotypes

- positive IgE-mediated immune-allergy tests to wheat (skin prick tests and/or specific serum IgE detection).

IBS IBS diagnosis had been made in accordance with the Rome IV criteria and none of these patients improved on an elimination diet without wheat, cow's milk, egg, tomato or chocolate.


Primární výsledná opatření

1. Frequency of associated autoimmune diseases [22 months]

The presence of autoimmune disorders both in NCWS and IBS control patients was evaluated by a structured questionnaire and a review of patients' clinical records. The presence of one of the following was looked for in all subjects: connective tissue diseases, autoimmune endocrinological diseases, autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, epilepsy with cerebral calcification, unexplained cerebellar ataxia, alopecia, psoriasis, atrophic autoimmune gastritis, and immune anemia, neutropenia, or thrombocytopenia.

2. Serum autoantibodies [22 months]

The frequency, titers and patterns of serum ANA, antibodies against double stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA), extractable nuclear antigen (ENA), islet cells of the pancreas (ICA), parietal cell antibodies (APCA), and, finally, tireoglobulin (anti-TG) and thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) were evaluated by ELISA and Immunofluorescence.

3. Clinical characteristics of NCWS and IBS patients [22 months]

Frequency of autoimmune diseases and autoantibodies were correlated with the following clinical and laboratory parameters: age at diagnosis, gender, coexistent pathologies, atopic diseases and nickel allergy, anemia, coexistent other food allergies, presence of IBS-like symptoms, functional dyspepsia, and extraintestinal symptoms, BMI, duodenal histology lesions, and DQ2/DQ8 HLA haplotypes.

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