Phenol oxidase exists in insect hemolymph as a zymogen, pro-phenol oxidase (pro-PO), which is activated by specific proteolysis in response to infection or wounding. Phenol oxidase catalyses the synthesis of quinones that polymerize to form melanin deposits, which encapsulate parasites and help to
Malaria, the world's most devastating parasitic disease, is transmitted between humans by mosquitoes of the Anopheles genus. An. gambiae is the principal malaria vector in Sub-Saharan Africa. The C-type lectins CTL4 and CTLMA2 cooperatively influence Plasmodium infection in the malaria vector
Schistosomiasis is considered the second most pre-valiant worldwide parasitic disease ranked next to malaria. It has significant economic and public health consequences in many developing countries. Several ways have been practiced in order to bring the disease under an adequate control through the
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