Allergic contact dermatitis due to Philodendron scandens KOCH et SELLO subsp. oxycardium (SCHOTT) BUNTING ("Philodendron scandens cordatum") is seldom reported. In four patients with dermatitis, allergy to philodendron species was found through patch testing with leaves, stems and ether extracts
All allergic contact dermatitis caused by Philodendron species is common in the Hawaiian islands, and Toxicodendron species are the most common causes of plant-induced allergic contact dermatitis in North America.
The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of
Plants of the genus Philodendron, and the family Araceae, were reported as causing dermatitis as early as 1923. The allergenic compounds in philodendrons are resorcinols, which share common chemical side chains with the allergenic catechols of Toxicodendron members of the family Anacardiaceae. I
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