The fruit juice of black currant was found to contain a polysaccharide-rich substance, which was designated cassis polysaccharide (CAPS), with macrophage-stimulating activity. Especially, its interleukin (IL)-1beta-inducing activity was remarkably high, compared with other fruit juice preparations.
Phyllanthus emblica L. (Indian gooseberry, Ma khaam pom) has been an herbal component of Thai traditional recipes proposed to slow down the aging process. A number of methodologies have been employed to investigate the immunological aspects of the so called "anti-aging effects" of P.
A polysaccharide-rich substance isolated from black currant, named cassis polysaccharide (CAPS), was partially digested with beta-galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae and its immunostimulatory activity was investigated. The in vitro cytokine-inducing effect of CAPS on RAW264 cells was gradually
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