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Macromolecular trafficking between Nicotiana tabacum and the holoparasite Cuscuta reflexa.

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Transgenic tobacco plants expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of the companion cell-specific promoter, AtSUC2, were parasitized by the holoparasite Cuscuta reflexa (dodder). GFP, moving in the translocation stream of the host, was transferred to the Cuscuta phloem via the

Tobacco plants (Nicotiana benthamiana) were influenced by silicon and were not infected by dodder (Cuscuta europaea).

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The effect of silicon (Si) on tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) development and dodder (Cuscuta europaea) - tobacco interaction were studied. Three Si application approaches were tested: tobacco seed priming (2.5 mM Si and 5 mM Si; 2.5S, 5S), watering tobacco plants with Si solution (2.5 mM Si and 5
The parasitic plant Cuscuta campestris is dependent on its host for water, assimilates and amino acids. It can be controlled by the herbicide glyphosate, which inhibits 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS), resulting in shikimate accumulation. In this study, C. campestris was

Interspecific RNA interference of SHOOT MERISTEMLESS-like disrupts Cuscuta pentagona plant parasitism.

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Infection of crop species by parasitic plants is a major agricultural hindrance resulting in substantial crop losses worldwide. Parasitic plants establish vascular connections with the host plant via structures termed haustoria, which allow acquisition of water and nutrients, often to the detriment

The cDNA sequence of cytochrome b5 associated with cytokinin-induced haustoria formation in Cuscuta reflexa.

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A cDNA clone isolated by differentially screening a cytokinin-induced haustorial cDNA library of Cuscuta reflexa was sequenced and identified as the gene coding for cytochrome b5, based on the similarity of the deduced amino-acid sequence with that of the cauliflower (60% identity) and tobacco (78%

Calcium signaling during the plant-plant interaction of parasitic Cuscuta reflexa with its hosts.

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The plant parasite Cuscuta reflexa induces various responses in compatible and incompatible host plants. The visual reactions of both types of host plants including obvious morphological changes require the recognition of Cuscuta ssp. A consequently initiated signaling cascade is triggered which

[On the existence of a cytokinin-like factor in cuscuta reflexa].

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In extracts ofCuscuta reflexa ROXB. a cytokinin like factor (CAF = Cuscuta active factor) was found. It was shown that activity of this factor is similar to that of kinetin in all essential points. In tobacco-stem-tissue tests a promotion of growth by CAF was observed. In chlorophyll-preservation
Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-7 (GLRaV-7) was transmitted from an Albanian grapevine accession to Tetragonia expansa by the parasitic dodder Cuscuta reflexa and to Nicotiana occidentalis by Cuscuta europea. Cuscuta campestris was infected by GLRaV-7 but could not transfer the virus to an
We have cloned and sequenced an area of about 6 kb of the plastid DNA (ptDNA) from the holoparasitic plant Cuscuta reflexa. This region contains (in the following order) genes for the cytochrome b6 f-complex subunit V (petG), tRNA(Val) (trnV), tRNA(Met) (trnM), the epsilon- and beta-subunit of the
We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a 5.3-kb region of the plastid DNA (ptDNA) from the heterotrophic holoparasitic plant Cuscuta reflexa. The cloned area contains genes for the D1-protein (32-kDa protein; psbA), tRNA(His) (trnH), ORF 740 (homologous to ORF 2280 from Nicotiana tabacum),

Cuscuta europaea plastid apparatus in various developmental stages: localization of THF1 protein.

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It was generally accepted that Cuscuta europaea is mostly adapted to a parasitic lifestyle with no detectable levels of chlorophylls. We found out relatively high level of chlorophylls (Chls a+b) in young developmental stages of dodder. Significant lowering of Chls (a+b) content and increase of
Some species of the holoparasitic flowering plant genus Cuscuta, like C. reflexa, have retained a plastid genome that encodes photosynthesis-related gene products as well as the plastid-encoded RNA polymerase (PEP). In contrast, other species like C. gronovii and C. subinclusa have lost the rpo

Cuscuta australis (dodder) parasite eavesdrops on the host plants' FT signals to flower

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Many plants use environmental cues, including seasonal changes of day length (photoperiod), to control their flowering time. Under inductive conditions, FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) protein is synthesized in leaves, and FT protein is a mobile signal, which is able to travel to the shoot apex to induce

Transfer of phloem-mobile substances from the host plants to the holoparasite Cuscuta sp.

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During the development of the haustorium, searching hyphae of the parasite and the host parenchyma cells are connected by plasmodesmata. Using transgenic tobacco plants expressing a GFP-labelled movement protein of the tobacco mosaic virus, it was demonstrated that the interspecific plasmodesmata

MicroRNAs from the parasitic plant Cuscuta campestris target host messenger RNAs.

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Dodders (Cuscuta spp.) are obligate parasitic plants that obtain water and nutrients from the stems of host plants via specialized feeding structures called haustoria. Dodder haustoria facilitate bidirectional movement of viruses, proteins and mRNAs between host and parasite, but the functional
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