[A case with the combination of cerebral aneurysm and cerebral arteriovenous malformation originated from same artery in the same site (author's transl)].
Several cases associated with cerebral aneurysm and arteriovenous malformation have been reported in literature but such case of association with these two kinds of cerebral vascular lesion originated from the same artery in the same site is quite rare. The authors reported a case of coexistence of cerebral aneurysm and cerebral arteriovenous malformation in the parietal area and both of these vascular lesion were located closely and were fed by the angular artery. A 8 year-old girl was warded on March 28, 1974 with a history of attack of headache and vomitting before lapsing into semicoma on March 23, 1974. She regained consiousness 5 days later but showed speech disturbance. Subarachnoid hemorrahge was proved by her home doctor immediately after the episode. On examination, motor and sensory impairment was negative. Nominal aphasia and agonosia were noted. Four-vessel angiography proved cerebral aneurysm accompanying with arteriovenous malformation-like shadow in the left parietal area. A relative large drainage vein from the above mentioned vascular lesions drained into the superior sagittal sinus.