Essential oils for the disinfection of grey water.
Although the antimicrobial properties of many plant essential oils (EOs) are well known, their application for the disinfection of water has received little attention. In this study, their use as alternative 'natural' disinfectants for grey water reuse was assessed. Toxicity screening of eight EOs and their components highlighted origanum oil (Thymus capitatus) and carvacrol as exerting the most antimicrobial activity. Over a 30-min contact time, origanum EO concentrations of up to 94 mg L(-1) had minimal effect on total coliform concentrations in the grey water while a concentration of 468 mg L(-1) rendered total coliforms non-detectable in 100mL grey water. Coliform inactivation was found to increase with EO contact time. Organic concentration and particulate size in grey water were shown to reduce the efficacy of disinfection with origanum EO. Origanum EO prevented regrowth of coliform bacteria in reed bed-treated grey water for up to 14 days at a concentration of 468 mg L(-1), with or without prior disinfection by ultraviolet (UV) light. Based on the disinfection data reported here, the production of sufficient origanum EO for the disinfection of grey water for reuse with toilet flushing, would require approximately 35 times the average land area of a UK household.