Flushing in relation to a possible rise in intracranial pressure: documentation of an unusual clinical sign. Report of five cases.
This report documents clinical features in five children who developed transient reddening of the skin (epidermal flushing) in association with acute elevations in intracranial pressure (ICP). Four boys and one girl (ages 9-15 years) deteriorated acutely secondary to intracranial hypertension ranging from 30 to 80 mm Hg in the four documented cases. Two patients suffered from ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunctions, one had diffuse cerebral edema secondary to traumatic brain injury, one was found to have pneumococcal meningitis and hydrocephalus, and one suffered an intraventricular hemorrhage and hydrocephalus intraoperatively. All patients were noted to have developed epidermal flushing involving either the upper chest, face, or arms during their period of neurological deterioration. The response was transient, typically lasting 5 to 15 minutes, and dissipated quickly. The flushing reaction is postulated to be a centrally mediated response to sudden elevations in ICP. Several potential mechanisms are discussed. Flushing has clinical importance because it may indicate significant elevations in ICP when it is associated with neurological deterioration. Because of its transient nature, the importance of epidermal flushing is often unrecognized; its presence confirms the need for urgent treatment.