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Glycerol gangliotomy of the second dorsal cervical root in rats: an experimental study to evaluate a minimal invasive approach for the treatment of the chronic cervicogenic headache.

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Glycerol is a known agent in the therapy of chronic tic douloureux. It has been used for about 20 years in percutaneous, retrogasserian minimal-invasive rhizotomy, although the pharmacological mechanism of the pain relief involved remains unclear. To investigate glycerol treatment as a possible

Retro-Gasserian glycerol injection in the treatment of chronic cluster headache.

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Seven therapy-resistant patients with cluster headache (six of whom were chronic) were treated by percutaneous retro-Gasserian glycerol injections under general anesthesia. In four of the patients immediate and complete relief of attacks was obtained. There was a close correlation between pain

Trigeminal cisternal injection of glycerol for treatment of chronic intractable cluster headaches.

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Medical treatment of chronic cluster headaches (cluster headaches that occur frequently without remission) can be very difficult. In many patients, the pain remains severe despite all medication trials. For these patients, previous reports recommend radiofrequency trigeminal rhizotomy, which risks

Percutaneous retrogasserian glycerol rhizolysis for treatment of chronic intractable cluster headaches: long-term results.

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OBJECTIVE To analyze the long-term effectiveness and safety of percutaneous retrogasserian glycerol rhizolysis (PRGR) in the treatment of medically refractive chronic cluster headache (CH). The current mainstay of surgical intervention for these patients is percutaneous radiofrequency retrogasserian

Spontaneous trigeminal allodynia in rats: a model of primary headache.

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Animal models are essential for studying the pathophysiology of headache disorders and as a screening tool for new therapies. Most animal models modify a normal animal in an attempt to mimic migraine symptoms. They require manipulation to activate the trigeminal nerve or dural nociceptors. At best,

[Therapy and prophylaxis of facial neuralgias and other forms of facial pain syndromes -- revised recommendations of the German Society of Migraine and Headache].

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Trigeminal neuralgia and postherpetic neuralgia are the most relevant neuralgiform facial pain syndromes. Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by lancinating intensive pain attacks of very short duration, triggered by external cues,whereas postherpetic neuralgia consists predominantly of

Neurosurgical treatment of short-lasting, unilateral, neuralgiform hemicrania with conjunctival injection and tearing.

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Trigeminal neuralgia solely involving the upper trigeminal nerve branch is rare. The SUNCT syndrome (short-lasting, unilateral, neuralgiform hemicrania with conjunctival injection and tearing) in which the periorbital pain lasts for 60-120 s, and is accompanied by conjunctival injection and tearing

Trigeminal neuralgia with chronic paroxysmal hemicrania: the CPH-tic syndrome.

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A case of chronic paroxysmal hemicrania-tic syndrome is described. The chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH) was controlled with indomethacin and the trigeminal neuralgia with a glycerol blockade. The trigeminal neuralgia reappeared four years after the blockade and was then treated successfully with

Headache associated with aseptic meningeal reaction as clinical onset of Fabry's disease.

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This report concerns an 18-year-old boy who is hemizygote for Fabry's disease. Varying degrees of nonpulsating headache crises, lasting from a few hours to several days, began when he was 16 years of age. Painful crises in the extremities, characteristic of Fabry's disease, were not present.

Feasibility study of intraarterial vs intravenous cisplatin, BCNU, and teniposide combined with systemic cisplatin, teniposide, cytosine arabinoside, glycerol and mannitol in the treatment of primary and metastatic brain tumors.

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Sixteen patients with intracerebral tumors received intraarterial cisplatin, teniposide, and BCNU combined with intravenous cisplatin, teniposide, and cytosine arabinoside. Oral glycerol and intravenous mannitol were given along with the intravenous chemotherapy in an attempt to increase drug

[Use of glycerol trinitrate in an ointment for the management of chronic anal fissure at the National Hospital "Cayetano Heredia"].

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BACKGROUND The anal fissure is a linear tear in the anal canal mucosa. If healing fails, it evolves into a chronic anal fissure (CAF). This is one of the most frequent proctologic problems affecting younger patients, altering their social and work life. As it is disabling disease, it causes a

Diminished nocturnal lipolysis in cluster headache: a sign of central sympathetic dysregulation?

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BACKGROUND It is unclear whether the autonomic symptoms during cluster headache (CH) attacks are of central or peripheral origin. A metabolic change such as altered lipolysis would reflect a central autonomic dysfunction. OBJECTIVE To study nocturnal lipolysis in CH patients and healthy control

beta-Receptor response to noradrenaline in cluster headache. A study of adipose tissue lipolysis.

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We have previously shown decreased lipolysis in both phases of cluster headache (CH), as an indication of a sympathetic dysregulation. Reduced lipolysis could be a result of diminished beta-receptor sensitivity in adipose tissue. The aim of this study was to measure the lipolytic response to

[Glycerol injection method for trigeminal neuralgia].

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Twenty nine patients with trigeminal neuralgia were treated by retrogasserian glycerol injection method. Two of 29 were postherpetic and 27 were idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia. The mean age of these 27 was 65.2 years old ranging from 35 to 83 and the mean duration of symptoms was 7.6 years ranging

Glycerol: an alternative to dexamethasone for patients receiving brain irradiation for metastatic disease.

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Forty-four patients with metastatic brain neoplasms received glycerol instead of corticosteroids during periods of brain irradiation. Headache, nausea, and vomiting were controlled in more than 90% of symptomatic patients, while paralysis, confusion, and papilledema improved in 55% to 80%. Patients
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