Guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) is an important forage grass of tropical and semi-tropical regions, largely apomictic and predominantly exist in tetraploid form. For molecular breeding work, it is prerequisite to develop and design molecular markers for characterization of genotypes, development
In the Amazon region of northern Brazil, Panicum maximum cultivars Mombaça, Tanzânia, and Massai cause severe colic and death in horses and mules. The disease occurs in the rainy season, when sprouting pastures are grazed by equidae. In the 8 separate disease outbreaks studied, a total of 52 out of
Fourteen horses at a boarding stable in Virginia were diagnosed with hepatic disease and locally grown hay was implicated as the cause.
Panicum dichotomiflorum, the predominant grass species in the hay, is hepatotoxic to horses.
Naturally occurring cases were adult
Current knowledge of resistance (R) genes and their use for genetic improvement in buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides [Nutt.] Engelm.) lag behind most crop plants. This study was conducted to clone and characterize cDNA encoding R gene-like (RGL) sequences in buffalograss. This report is the first to
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