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14 results

Triterpenoids and steroids isolated from Anatolian Capparis ovata and their activity on the expression of inflammatory cytokines

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Context: Capparis L. (Capparaceae) is grown worldwide. Caper has been used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases including rheumatism, kidney, liver, stomach, as well as headache and toothache.

Comparative Metabolite Profiling of Triterpenoid Saponins and Flavonoids in Flower Color Mutations of Primula veris L.

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Primula veris L. is an important medicinal plant with documented use for the treatment of gout, headache and migraine reaching back to the Middle Ages. Triterpenoid saponins from roots and flowers are used in up-to-date phytotherapeutic treatment of bronchitis and colds due to their expectorant and

Phytochemical and pharmacological potential of Acanthus ilicifolius.

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Acanthus ilicifolius (Acanthaceae) has received considerable attention due to its wide range of secondary metabolites and its traditional usage in Indian and Chinese system of medicine. This plant is reported to be a mangrove. Mangrove survives in the most hostile environment with fluctuating tidal

Albizia Adianthifolia: Botany, Medicinal Uses, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacological Properties.

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The bark, leaves, and roots of Albizia adianthifolia are highly sought after in tropical Africa as herbal medicines. Therefore, the aim of this study was to review the botany, medicinal uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacological properties of A. adianthifolia so as to provide baseline data required

Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of derivatives from aerial parts of Baccharis uncinella.

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BACKGROUND Species of Baccharis exhibit antibiotic, antiseptic, and wound-healing properties, and have been used in the traditional medicine of South America for the treatment of inflammation, headaches, diabetes, and hepatobiliary disorders. OBJECTIVE To investigate the anti-inflammatory activity

CYP3A4 inducer aggravates big flower Evodiae Fructus-induced hepatotoxicity whereas limonin attenuates its hepatotoxicity

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Ethnopharmacological relevance: Evodiae Fructus (EF), the traditional Chinese medicine, has been typically used to treat headache, abdominal pain, hernias, and menorrhagia for thousands of years. It is a mild toxicity herb-medicine listed

[Advances of chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of schefflera genus].

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The genus Schefflera (Araliaceae) consists of 1100 species, 35 of which can be found in China. Some species of the genus have been used in traditional medicine to treat rheumatalgia, trauma, fracture, headache, and so on. Phytochemical studies of the genus have demonstrated the presence of large

Indian Sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus): Recent progress in research on ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology.

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Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. ex Schult. (Apocynaceae) is widely used in traditional medicine in the different parts of the Indian subcontinent due to the various biological activities attributed to its different parts, especially the roots. It has traditionally been used for treating

A Review on the Terpenes from Genus Vitex.

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The genus Vitex, which belongs to the Verbenaceae family, includes approximately 250 species. Some species of the genus Vitex have traditionally been used for the treatment of headaches, ophthalmodynia, coughs, asthma, premenopausal syndrome, etc. Chemical investigations indicate that the

The ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of genus Albizia: A review.

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The genus Albizia (Leguminosae) comprises about 150 species and some species have been used for the treatment of rheumatism, stomachache, cough, diarrhea, and wounds in traditional and local medicine. The aim of the review: This review article documents and critically assesses the

Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng: Botanical, Phytochemical, Pharmacological and Nutritional Significance.

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Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng. is a perennial herb belonging to the family Lamiaceae which occurs naturally throughout the tropics and warm regions of Africa, Asia and Australia. This herb has therapeutic and nutritional properties attributed to its natural phytochemical compounds which are

[Research progress on chemical constituents, pharmacological mechanism and clinical application of Guizhi decoction].

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Guizhi Decoction was one of the most commonly used traditional Chinese Medicine which possesses the effects of "jie-ji-fa-biao, regulating Ying and Wei". It was mainly used to treat mind-cold due to exogenous evils such as fever, headache, sweating, hate the wind, et al. Modern studies indicated

The genus Achyranthes: A review on traditional uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacological activities.

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BACKGROUND Achyranthes L. (Amaranthaceae), also known as Chaff Flower and Niuxi/, mainly includes two famous medicinal species namely A. bidentata and A. aspera. A. bidentata has been widely used as blood-activating and stasis-resolving medicine for the treatment of various diseases including

Traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of the genus Cimicifuga: A review.

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BACKGROUND Plants of the genus Cimicifuga have long been used as an ethnomedicine in China, Europe, and North America for its high medicinal value and health benefits. Their dried rhizomes are widely used for treating wind-heat headache, toothache, aphtha, sore throat, measles, spot poison,
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