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The caffeine contracture test for malignant hyperthermia: caffeine citrate, caffeine benzoate or caffeine free base?

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The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the three different caffeine preparations--caffeine citrate, caffeine benzoate and the free base--used for in vitro diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility--produced the same amount of contracture in rat diaphragm. At equimolar
BACKGROUND Mondia whitei L. (Hook. F.) Skeels (Periplocaceae) is a medicinal plant used locally in managing pain, fever, loss of appetite and as aphrodiasc in the South-Western states of Nigeria. However, the fruit is consumed habitually in the South-Eastern states of Nigeria, leading to speculation

Electrodiagnostic tests in the detection of malignant hyperthermia.

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Malignant hyperthermia (MH) can be a catastrophic and sometimes fatal reaction in certain susceptible individuals who are exposed to skeletal muscle relaxants such as succinylcholine and/or certain inhalation anesthetics such as halothane. In an attempt to develop a safe, simple in vivo test to
Various scavengers of oxygen free radicals or inhibitors of their production were used to measure the relative amounts of oxygen free radicals generated in phagocytic cells. The agents used were iodoacetate, superoxide dismutase, sodium benzoate, catalase and mannitol. The studies were made in

Outbreak of Scrub Typhus in Jammu - A Report.

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BACKGROUND Jammu is scrub typhus prone. Scrub typhus is often seen when troops move out of permanent locations. METHODS In a prospective study cases of fever reporting to the local military hospital from July to October 2002 were examined clinically, investigated and categorised as scrub typhus when

Cyclic estradiol treatment enhances the effects of interleukin-1beta on food intake in female rats.

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Proinflammatory cytokines elicit behavioral and physiological responses that include decreased food intake, fever, and a general disinterest in usual activities. Ovarian hormones modulate immune system activity and responsiveness to cytokines in female mammals, suggesting that sex differences in

[A case report of death from acute emamectin·chlorfenapyr poisoning]

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To analyze the clinical data of a case of acute emamectin·chlorfenapyr poisoning in Guangzhou 12th People's Hospital in 2019. The patient developed high fever and night sweats, and gradually became unconscious. The patient died after 5 days of treatment. The toxicity and mortality of

[Norwegian scabies, a rare diagnosis in Tunisia].

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Norwegian scabies is a particular form of scabies, rarely reported in Tunisia. It habitually occurs in immunocompromised hosts, with prolonged immunosuppressive therapy, congenital immune disease, HIV-1 infection or neoplasm. We report an observation of norwegian scabies, occuring in a woman with

Pseudomonas cepacia bacteraemia due to intrinsic contamination of an anaesthetic. Bacteriological and serological observations.

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In November-December 1977 an epidemic of bacteraemia due to P. cepacia was observed in Odense, Denmark (nine patients), and in Nijmegen, Holland (seven patients). All patients recovered. The epidemic was traced to intrinsic contamination of two batches of the anaesthetic fentanyl. All isolates from

Unidentified anion gap metabolic acidosis.

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A 35-month-old female with nonketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH) presented to the Emergency department with severe hypoglycemia, fever, and several episodes of seizures. Due to worsening respiratory status, additional seizures and anion gap worsening metabolic acidosis the patient was transferred to the
Methenamine (hexamethylenetetramine, hexamine, urotropine) is a compound discovered in 1859, which is still currently being used as a urinary antiseptic. Methenamine is highly soluble in water and polar solvents, and its molecular constitution is similar to adamantane compounds with tetrahedral cage

Salicylate and liver glutathione.

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The effects of sodium salicylate, benzoate, gentisate, m- and p-hydroxybenzoates, antipyrine, and 2:4-dinitrophenol on the reduced glutathione concentration of rat liver were determined. An increase in concentration in the male, but not in the female, rats was found after salicylate, benzoate and

A new antifungal benzoic acid ester from Uvaria narum.

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Uvaria narum has been used for gastrointestinal problems, jaundice, fever and skin diseases in traditional and ethnomedical practices. Our preliminary antifungal screening of various leaf extracts of U. narum revealed very good antifungal activity for its acetone extract. Active principle of U.

Adult nonketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH) crisis presenting as severe chorea and encephalopathy.

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We report on a patient with mild episodic nonketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH) on valproate who developed episodes of encephalopathy and chorea provoked by a fever and protein loading. After treatment with sodium benzoate and dextromethorphan, the patient's encephalopathy resolved and her chorea

Structure-activity relationships of eugenol derivatives against Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae.

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BACKGROUND Dengue fever is a severe public health problem for several countries. In order to find effective larvicides to aid control programs, the structure-activity relationships of eugenol derivatives against Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae were evaluated. Additionally, the composition
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