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pinus palustris/burns

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Variation among individuals in cone production in Pinus palustris (Pinaceae).

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OBJECTIVE Reproductive output varies considerably among individuals within plant populations, and this is especially so in cone production of conifers. While this variation can have substantial effects on populations, little is known about its magnitude or causes. METHODS We studied variation in

Soil Chemistry in a Loblolly/Longleaf Pine Forest with Interval Burning.

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We examined the 30-yr cumulative effects of prescribed fires at intervals of 1, 2, 3, and 4 yr in a loblolly and longleaf pine forest in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina. The fine fraction of the forest floor (Oe + Oa horizons) contained much more carbon and nitrogen per unit area in the control

Frequent Prescribed Burning as a Long-term Practice in Longleaf Pine Forests Does Not Affect Detrital Chemical Composition.

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The O horizon, or detrital layer, of forest soils is linked to long-term forest productivity and health. Fuel reduction techniques, such as prescribed fire, can alter the thickness and composition of this essential ecosystem component. Developing an understanding of the changes in the chemical

The effects of fire regime on legume reproduction in longleaf pine savannas: is a season selective?

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The biodiversity of fire-dependent ecosystems is increasingly threatened by habitat fragmentation and fire suppression. Reducing species loss requires that salient features of natural fire regimes be incorporated into managed regimes. Lightning-season burns have been emphasized as the critical

Functional traits of the understory plant community of a pyrogenic longleaf pine forest across environmental gradients.

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Understanding and predicting the response of plant communities to environmental changes and disturbances such as fire requires an understanding of the functional traits present in the system, including within and across species variability, and their dynamics over time. These data are difficult to

Responses of a forest-dwelling terrestrial turtle, Terrapene Carolina, to prescribed fire in a Longleaf Pine ecosystem.

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Prescribed fire is commonly used as a tool to meet a range of forest management goals. Owing to their limited movement abilities, terrestrial turtles are likely to be at high risk of injury and mortality, and to experience other fitness consequences with population-level implications from fire.

Impact of cogongrass management strategies on generalist predators in cogongrass-infested longleaf pine plantations.

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BACKGROUND Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica Beav.) is an aggressive, invasive weed with a global distribution. In North America, it threatens the integrity of southeastern pine agroecosystems, including longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.). While studies have examined the impacts of cogongrass and

Allometry of the pyrophytic Aristida in fire-maintained longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystems.

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Aboveground biomass (AGB) of herbaceous vegetation is a primary source of fuel in frequent surface fires that maintain grasslands, savannas, and woodlands. Methods for nondestructively estimating AGB are required to understand the mechanisms by which fuels affect fire behavior and the

Managed Fire Frequency Significantly Influences the Litter Arthropod Community in Longleaf Pine Flatwoods.

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Frequent prescribed burns are essential to pine forest restoration and management. Research studies have assessed effects of prescribed fire and burn frequency on plants and vertebrates, but impacts of fire on terrestrial invertebrate communities are still poorly understood. This case study

Thermocouple Probe Orientation Affects Prescribed Fire Behavior Estimation.

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Understanding the relationship between fire intensity and fuel mass is essential information for scientists and forest managers seeking to manage forests using prescribed fires. Peak burning temperature, duration of heating, and area under the temperature profile are fire behavior metrics obtained

Effects of fire frequency on litter decomposition as mediated by changes to litter chemistry and soil environmental conditions.

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Litter quality and soil environmental conditions are well-studied drivers influencing decomposition rates, but the role played by disturbance legacy, such as fire history, in mediating these drivers is not well understood. Fire history may impact decomposition directly, through changes in soil

Fire and soil-plant nutrient relations in a pine-wiregrass savanna on the coastal plain of North Carolina.

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Changes in soil and plant nutrient conditions were evaluated following various burn and clip treatments in a longleaf pine-wiregrass savanna in Bladen Co., N.C., USA. Ground fires were found to add substantial quantities of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg to the soil, though not necessarily in forms immediately

Caught in a fire trap: recurring fire creates stable size equilibria in woody resprouters.

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Globally, fire maintains many mesic habitats in an open canopy state by killing woody plants while reducing the size of those able to resprout. Where fire is frequent, tree saplings are often suppressed by a "fire trap" of repeated topkill (death of aerial biomoass) and resprouting, preventing them

Simulating Groundcover Community Assembly in a Frequently Burned Ecosystem Using a Simple Neutral Model.

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Fire is a keystone process that drives patterns of biodiversity globally. In frequently burned fire-dependent ecosystems, surface fire regimes allow for the coexistence of high plant diversity at fine scales even where soils are uniform. The mechanisms on how fire impacts groundcover community

Intraspecific trait variability shapes leaf trait response to altered fire regimes

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Background and aims: Understanding impacts of altered disturbance regimes on community structure and function is a key goal for community ecology. Functional traits link species composition to ecosystem functioning. Changes in the
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