[Significance of a urinary infection for the diagnosis, clinical course and histological characteristics of epithelial bladder tumors. The results of antibacterial therapy].
Examination of the case records and histological preparations of 1150 patients with epithelial tumors of the bladder revealed urine infection with inflammation in the bladder wall in 12.1% of the cases. The inflammation not only aggravated the clinical progress of the disease but also interfere with determination of the real tumor size on cytoscopy and cystotomography. Leucocytes, macrophages, edema zones in the granulation tissue were found in great numbers in addition to the usual lympho-plasmocytal infiltration in the cases with intravesical infection in the tumor stroma and perifocally. The signs of cystic or grandular cystitis and more seldom the foci of the transitional epithelium epidermization were found at a distance of 2-4 sm from the tumor in 66.6% of the patients. The signs of the infection and inflammation disappeared after antibacterial therapy in 96.8% of the patients. It was not possible to eliminate the infection and inflammation in 1/3 of the patients with exoendophite and endophite tumors, especially in those predisposed to necrosis.