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Efficacy Of Bacterial Lysate In Children With Allergic Rhinitis

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Seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) is caused by the allergens of wind-pollinated plants, and in Poland mainly by grass pollen allergens. During the grass pollen season, patients may suffer from fatigue, weakness, lack of fitness, difficulty in sleeping and reduced performance at school. In people

Study of Anlotinib Plus Chemoradiotherapy in Patients With Locally Advanced NSCLC

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Lung cancer is the most common cancer, accounting for 20% of cancer-related deaths worldwide. In 2015, an estimated 610,200 patients (22 per cent of cancer-related deaths) died of lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer ((NSCLC)) accounts for 80% to 85% of lung cancer. Most patients are locally

Effect of Atorvastatin on 5-Fluorouracil Induced Mucositis

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Chemotherapy has life-threatening or distressing side effects such febrile neutropenia, infections, mucositis, nausea, vomiting, fatigue. Mucositis is defined as inflammatory and/or ulcerative lesions of the oral and/or gastrointestinal tract that can be caused by high dose chemotherapy, Infectious

Immune Response and General Immune Health in Subjects Infected With Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1)

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Primary oral infection with the herpes simplex virus (HSV) typically occurs at a young age, is asymptomatic, and is not associated with significant morbidity. After primary oral infection, HSV may persist in a latent state in the trigeminal ganglion and later reactivate as the more common herpes

The Impact of Qigong on Quality of Life and Sleep Disturbance in Head and Neck Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy

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The incidence of head and neck cancers is the 6th in Taiwan, and head and neck cancers are the 5th leading cause of cancer death, causing approximately 2000 death in 2010. Head and neck cancers patients usually require multimodality treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These

Gluten Sensibility in Elite Athletes

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Gluten is a protein network that results from both, the hydration and the kneading of storage proteins contained in the endosperm of certain cereals. Gluten is particularly found in bread products but it is also found in many processed products because of its physicochemical properties (binding,

Inflammatory Back Pain and Gluten Free Diet

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Articular involvement is the most frequent extra-intestinal manifestation of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), frequently follows a course that is independent of the course of intestinal involvement, and its diagnosis mainly relies on clinical evidence and imaging data, because laboratory

Neurobiology of the Scalp in Seborrheic Dermatitis

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Seborrheic dermatitis (SD) is a common skin disorder that mainly affects the scalp, causing scale, itch, and red skin. Dandruff, a subset of SD, shows scale and itch in the absence of associated red skin. Seborrheic dermatitis can occur on many different body areas, including the scalp, eyebrows,

Pharmacogenetic Study of Antiarrhythmic Drugs for Atrial Fibrillation

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1.0 Background While atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia requiring therapy, it is also associated with increased risk of stroke, heart failure, myocardial infarction, dementia, and death. The number of Americans affected with AF is expected to surge to nearly 16

Prevalence of Gluten Sensitivity in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The First Study in Paediatrics.

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Randomized double blind placebo controlled cross over re-challenge trial. Patient consecutively diagnosed as having IBS (Rome III criteria) in whom the diagnosis of coeliac disease and wheat allergy has been excluded, will be considered eligible for the study. Diagnosis of coeliac disease and wheat

Effect of 2nd Gen TKI in CML

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Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a clonal disorder characterized by the chromosomal translocation t(9;22) which produces a fusion gene encoding the chimeric oncoprotein, BCR- ABL. This protein harbors a deregulated constitutive activated tyrosine kinase (TK) leading to leukemogenesis [1]. Imatinib

Randomised Research Comparing Acupuncture, Herbal Treatment and Artificial Tear Eye Drops in Dry Eye

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Dry eye is a major, common medical condition with significant health burden in Singapore and worldwide. As much as one third of the adult population in Asian countries are affected by dry eye. It has been shown that dry eye affects quality of life, including the performing of daily activities such

The Role of Lifestyle Factors in Breast Cancer-Related Outcomes

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PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: I. Determine whether the Integrative Oncology group (IO) has increased disease-free survival (time to recurrence) than the standard of care control group (SC). II. Compare group differences over time in biological pathways including: immune function, endocrine function, insulin

Clinical Tolerance to a Live Attenuated Vaccine Against Influenza (Flumist®) in a Population Allergic to Eggs

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TITLE: Clinical tolerance of a live, attenuated influenza vaccine (FluMist®) in the context of influenza immunization in a population of egg-allergic children: A pilot project. Protocol #: FluMist240713. 1. INTRODUCTION In Canada, the flu vaccine is indicated for all children between 6 and 23 months

Preventing the Development of Venous Insufficiency in Pregnant Women Through Use of Compression Stockings

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Problem: There are approximately four million live births in the United States annually. Pregnancy induces multisystemic physiologic changes in the mother as her body accommodates the growing fetus. Known physiologic alterations include venous distension, hypercoagulability, and hormonal changes.
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