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facial pain/neoplasms

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Unilateral facial pain and lung cancer.

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The symptom of unilateral facial pain as a non-metastatic presentation of lung cancer is rare. This report describes a patient in whom unilateral face pain preceded the diagnosis of lung cancer by 9 months. The neural mechanism of this syndrome is discussed and the literature reviewed.

Intracranial tumours presenting with facial pain.

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Facial pain is a common presenting symptom in oral surgery outpatient clinics. Among the large number of patients presenting in this way, a small number of patients will be found to have intracranial tumours. Three such cases are described and recommendations made regarding the selection of facial

A case of intractable facial pain secondary to metastatic lung cancer.

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Persistent idiopathic facial pain, once called atypical facial pain, rarely anticipates the detection of a lung carcinoma. Thirty-six cases of intractable facial pain secondary to lung neoplasm are described in the literature. The onset of facial pain usually precedes the onset of symptoms and signs

Management of Skull Base Tumor-Associated Facial Pain.

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Cancer-associated facial pain can be caused by a variety of pathologic conditions. Here the authors describe the symptoms and incidence of facial pain secondary to three separate anatomic subcategories of cancer. The authors subsequently discuss the effectiveness and drawbacks of the most common

Lung cancer presenting with unilateral facial pain: remission after laryngeal nerve palsy.

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A 39-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of intractable, left-sided facial pain. A CT scan of the thorax disclosed a large lung mass surrounding supra-aortic vessels and hilus. The symptoms underwent a rapid and spontaneous remission after laryngeal nerve palsy with dysphonia developed.

Atypical facial pain and orbital cancer.

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A patient complaining of facial pain was found to have primary squamous cell cancer of the orbit. The treatment included surgery and radiotherapy. The patient having this extremely rare disease has been followed up for seven years with no evidence of recurrence.

Cancer and Referred Facial Pain.

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Orofacial pain may be a symptom of diverse types of cancers as a result of local or distant tumor effects. The pain can be presented with the same characteristics as any other orofacial pain disorder, and this should be recognized by the clinician. Orofacial pain also can arise as a consequence of

Persistent unilateral facial pain in lung cancer patients with mediastinal nodal involvement.

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Persistent idiopathic facial pain associated with mediastinal involvement in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) may occur at presentation or at relapse. It is often under-recognised, leading to prolonged symptoms, distress and sometimes inappropriate interventions. We present three case histories

[Pindborg tumor in the maxillary sinus. An unusual case of atypical facial pain].

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A woman aged 40 years had experienced left-sided facial pain for some months. Dental treatment did not result in any improvement. X-ray of the maxillary sinus revealed a tooth in the left maxillary sinus. At operation, this was shown to be a calcified epithelial odontogenic tumour (Pindborg tumour).

Unilateral facial pain as the first symptom of lung cancer: are there diagnostic clues?

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We describe three patients with unilateral facial pain due to non-metastatic lung cancer and review 11 published cases. Pain, most frequently located on the right side and around the ear, as well as digital clubbing can be clues to an early diagnosis. Compression of the vagus nerve by the tumour or

Nucleus caudalis DREZ for facial pain due to cancer.

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Five cancer patients underwent nucleus caudalis DREZ operations for medically refractory facial pain. Etiologies included a posterior fossa microglioma, a lacriminal gland carcinoma, a temporal meningioma, a parasellar tumor (craniopharyngioma), and an orbital fibrosarcoma. Postoperative results

Occult tumors of the infratemporal fossa: report of seven cases appearing as preauricular facial pain.

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Seven patients had occult malignant neoplasms either originating in or extending to the infratemporal fossa. Common symptoms were facial pain centered over the temporomandibular joint and facial numbness. These symptoms were sometimes associated with middle ear effusion and trismus. Multiple

Neurosurgical Management of Cancer Facial Pain

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Facial pain occurs in approximately 80% of patients with head and neck cancers. Pain in these settings may result directly from the tumor, or indirectly as a side effect of oncological treatment of the tumor. Optimizing treatment for cancer pain of the face, therefore, involves a variety of

Facial pain as an initial manifestation of intramedullary cervical spinal cord tumor: A case report and literature review

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Background: Facial pain resembling trigeminal neuralgia is not a common clinical feature of cervical spinal cord tumor. Depending on nature of the facial pain, differential diagnosis tends to include neurovascular conflict, multiple

Radiofrequency trigeminal rhizotomy in treatment of symptomatic non-neoplastic facial pain.

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Twenty patients suffering from non-neoplastic symptomatic facial pain underwent percutaneous radiofrequency trigeminal thermo-rhizotomy. Fourteen patients had long-standing severe multiple sclerosis, two patients had intracranial aneurysms, three patients had basilar impression secondary to Paget's
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