Haitian Creole

ocimum forsskaolii benth./anti inflammatoire

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Pharmacological evidence for the folk use of Nefang: antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of its constituent plants.

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BACKGROUND Nefang is a polyherbal anti-malarial composed of Mangifera indica ( MiB and MiL; bark and leaf), Psidium guajava ( Pg ), Carica papaya ( Cp ), Cymbopogon citratus ( Cc ), Citrus sinensis ( Cs ) and Ocimum gratissimum ( Og ) (leaves). Previous studies have demonstrated its in vitro and in

In vivo anti-inflammatory activities of leaf extracts of Ocimum lamiifolium in mice model.

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OBJECTIVE Ocimum lamiifolium Hochst. ex Benth. (Lamiaceae) has been used in Ethiopian traditional medicine for the treatment of different inflammatory disorders such as oropharyngitis, wound, pain, fever, and others. However, its use has mainly been based on empirical findings. Thus the objective of

Anti-inflammatory, Anti-nociceptive and Total polyphenolic Content of Hydroethanolic Extract of Ocimum gratissimum L. Leaves.

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Ocimum gratissimum has been reported in several ethnopharmacological surveys as a plant readily accessible to the communities and widely used with a lot of therapeutic potentials. In this study, we aimed to experimentally evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of hydro-ethanolic extract in animal

Evaluation of antitrypanosomal and anti inflammatory activities of selected Nigerian medicinal plants in mice.

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The extracts of nine selected Nigerian medicinal plants were investigated on Trypanosoma brucei brucei infected mice. The anti-inflammatory properties of hexane fraction of the most promising U. chamae extract was assessed by acute oedema of the mice paw model while the modulatory effect of the

Anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of aqueous leaves extract of Ocimum gratissimum (Labiate) in rodents.

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The aqueous leaves extract of Ocimum gratissimum was investigated for anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects in mice and rats. The models used to study the effect on nociception are the acetic acid-induced abdominal constriction test, hot-plate method in mice. The anti-inflammatory effect
Background. Inflammation, together with related oxidative stress, is linked with the etiology of kwashiorkor, a form of severe acute malnutrition in children. A diet rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant phytochemicals may offer potential for the prevention and treatment of kwashiorkor. We

Chemical composition, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative activities of essential oils of plants from Burkina Faso.

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This research highlights the chemical composition, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative activities of essential oils from leaves of Ocimum basilicum, Ocimum americanum, Hyptis spicigera, Lippia multiflora, Ageratum conyzoides, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Zingiber officinale.

Anti-inflammatory activity of Ocimum americanum L. essential oil in experimental model of zymosan-induced arthritis.

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Essential oils are potential sources of novel components for medicinal use. The present study was performed to investigate the composition and anti-inflammatory activity of Ocimum americanum L. essential oil (OEO) and its components in an experimental model of zymosan-induced arthritis and paw

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of Ocimum labiatum extract and isolated labdane diterpenoid.

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BACKGROUND Plants from the genus Ocimum are used as folk medicine for treating various diseases including inflammatory and immune-related diseases. Numerous reports have suggested plant extracts and their constituents as possible anti-inflammatory agents. Here, in vitro evidence of Ocimum labiatum's

Antimetastatic and anti-inflammatory potentials of essential oil from edible Ocimum sanctum leaves.

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Antimetastatic and anti-inflammatory activities of Ocimum sanctum essential oil (OSEO) have been assessed in this study. OSEO at the concentration of 250 μg/mL and above showed a significant ((*) P < 0.05) decrease in the number of migrated cancer cells. In addition, OSEO at concentration of 250

In vivo anti-inflammatory activities of Ocimum suave in mice.

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BACKGROUND Ocimum suave has been used in the Ethiopian traditional medicine to relieve pain, fever, inflammation and other disease conditions. OBJECTIVE The aim of the present study was to investigate the anti-inflammatory activities of the aqueous and ethanol leaf extracts and some fractions of
The effect of elicitation with jasmonic acid (JA) on the plant yield, the production and composition of essential oils of lettuce leaf basil was evaluated. JA-elicitation slightly affected the yield of plants and significantly increased the amount of essential oils produced by basil - the highest

Mechanism of action of antiinflammatory effect of fixed oil of Ocimum basilicum Linn.

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Fixed oil of O. basilicum was found to possess significant antiinflammatory activity against carrageenan and different other mediator-induced paw edema in rats. Significant inhibitory effect was also observed in castor oil-induced diarrhoea in rats. It also inhibited arachidonic acid- and

Evaluation of antiinflammatory activity of fatty acids of Ocimum sanctum fixed oil.

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Ocimum sanctum fixed oil and linolenic acid were found to possess significant antiinflammatory activity against PGE2, leukotriene and arachidonic acid-induced paw edema. Plant lipids like linseed oil and soyabean oil containing linolenic acid when tested along with O. sanctum fixed oil, also showed

Evaluation of antinociceptive and antiinflammatory activities of the essential oil (EO) of Ocimum micranthum Willd. from Northeastern Brazil.

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The EO of Ocimum micranthum was studied for a possible analgesic effect on the acetic acid induced writhing and formalin test in mice and antioedema activities on the carrageenan and dextran induced paw oedema in rats. The EO demonstrated antinociceptive effects, and pretreatment with naloxone did
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