Haitian Creole

Efficacy Study for Use of Dutasteride (Avodart) With Testosterone Replacement

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The Miriam Hospital

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This is a study using two FDA approved medications: Testosterone and the study medication, Dutasteride (Avodart 0.5mg/day). Half of the subjects will receive dutasteride and half will receive a placebo. The study medication will be taken for 12 months.
The subjects participating in the study are men who are already taking their own testosterone supplement because they have low testosterone levels which may cause them to experience sexual function difficulties, have fatigue or other symptoms. Testosterone can have an adverse effect of causing an enlarged prostate (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) (BPH).
Dutasteride (Avodart) is an approved medication used to decrease the prostate size, prevent urinary symptoms and reduce the risk of surgery.
The researchers would like to see if by taking dutasteride and testosterone at the same time they can prevent the adverse effects of testosterone and at the same time get the positive benefits of testosterone.
There will be 6 scheduled visits for the study and 2 diagnostic tests called a TRUS (TransRectal UltraSound), to evaluate prostate size. The six visits at will include consenting, blood work, two sexual function questionnaires, a physical examination, physical measurements, study medication teaching and dispensing of study medication.


Termination criteria

1. Serum AST or ALT > 3 times ULN

2. Total serum bilirubin > 1.5 times ULN

- no study termination of a patient with documented Gilberts disease for an isolated bilirubin elevation unless it exceeds 2.5x the upper limit of normal.

3. Hematocrit > 55%

4. Subject experiences any unacceptable or intolerable adverse effect.

5. Subject is non-compliant with the study protocol.

6. Subject needs to take any medication that would interfere with study measurements

7. Subject develops prostate or breast cancer


Posljednja provjera: 01/31/2013
Prvo podneseno: 09/14/2008
Predviđena prijava poslana: 09/14/2008
Prvo objavljeno: 09/15/2008
Posljednje ažuriranje poslano: 02/24/2013
Posljednje ažuriranje objavljeno: 02/25/2013
Stvarni datum početka studija: 08/31/2008
Procijenjeni datum primarnog završetka: 02/29/2012
Procijenjeni datum završetka studije: 02/29/2012

Stanje ili bolest


Intervencija / liječenje

Drug: A

Drug: B


Faza 4

Grupe ruku

RukaIntervencija / liječenje
Placebo Comparator: B
This group will meet the same inclusion and exclusion criteria as the group receiving the study drug
Drug: B
one tablet per day for 1 year
Active Comparator: A
This arm will receive the active medication dutasteride
Drug: A
0.5mg by mouth one time per day for 1 year

Kriterij prihvatljivosti

Dobni uvjeti za studiranje 40 Years Do 40 Years
Spolovi koji ispunjavaju uvjete za studijMale
Prihvaća zdrave volontereDa

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Subjects currently on stable testosterone replacement therapy for 3 months' duration using either the approved transdermal products Androgel® or Testim®, or injections of testosterone enanthate or cypionate with a morning serum testosterone concentration within the normal range (300 - 1000 ng/dl). These will dispensed either by prescription or for injections by the PI or co-PI in the office.

2. Total Serum PSA >1.5 - 10 ng/mL

- If the total serum PSA is >4ng/mL, the investigator, or a qualified urologist, will perform a 12-core prostate biopsy prior to entry unless such a biopsy has already been performed within the past 6 months.

- If the PSA rises above 4 during any time of the study, the patient will be referred to urology for biopsy.

- Patients with any suspicious rise in PSA of >1.0 ng/ml/yr will have a repeat PSA performed within one month of the original value. If the rise in PSA remains >1.0 ng/ml/yr, the patient will undergo a prostate biopsy.

- b. If the individual has had a negative biopsy more than 6 months previously, with documentation of stable PSA since that time, ie, no sustained increase >1.0ng/ml.

3. Subject is able to read and comprehend the informed consent document.

4. If the subject is on current replacement therapy for hypopituitarism or other multiple endocrine abnormalities, the subject must be on stable doses of thyroid hormone and/or adrenal replacement hormones for at least 14 days prior to enrollment.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Use of medications including those interactive with dutasteride from prior studies

2. Hematocrit greater than 51%

3. Prostate cancer in men found to have a prostate nodule on initial exam and subsequent positive biopsy

4. No prostate surgery within 2 months of entry

5. No prior use of finasteride, dutasteride within 6 months prior

6. A history of hepatic impairment or abnormal liver function tests (defined as ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase or bilirubin >1.5 times the upper limit of normal) with the exception that bilirubin elevations up to 2.0 times the upper limit of normal in the presence of normal liver enzymes will be permitted in patients with documented Gilbert's Disease. Subjects with Gilbert's disease not to be excluded.

7. No serum creatinine greater than 2.0 times upper limit of normal

8. No history of alcohol abuse with last 12 months

9. Has received any medication in a clinical trial within 2 months of enrollment

10. Use of anti-androgens, estrogens or coumadin

11. A history or evidence of newly discovered prostate cancer (e.g. positive biopsy or ultrasound, suspicious DRE). In patients with suspicious ultrasound or DRE, including patients with a focal nodule, biopsy shall be performed by a qualified urologist upon study entry unless one was performed and found to be negative within the preceding 6 months.

12. History of or current prostate or breast cancer

13. Baseline EKG with clinically significant abnormal rhythm or abnormal QT interval

14. Systolic blood pressure above 170mmHg or diastolic blood pressure above 90 mm Hg on baseline physical exam

15. Clinically significant peripheral edema on baseline physical exam

16. History of sleep apnea

17. History of psychiatric disorders or major depression

18. Consumption of grapefruit juice within 7 days of enrollment or is unwilling to eliminate use of grapefruit juice during the study period

19. History of allergy to study medication

20. Hemoglobin A1c > 9% in a non-insulin dependent diabetic

21. Subjects with abnormal thyroid function

22. Subjects with significantly elevated triglycerides


Primarne mjere ishoda

1. PSA reduction [with up to 12 months of treatment]

Sekundarne mjere ishoda

1. PV reduction with up to 12 months of treatment [1 year treatment]

2. DHT and T levels: serum [1 year treatment]

3. Prostatic TRUS pre and post treatment [1 year treatment]

4. IIEF; MHSQ: Questionnaires examining the domains of erectile and orgasmic function in men in the two treatment arms [1 year treatment]

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