Haitian Creole

epinephrine/moždani udar

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Stranica 1 iz 42 rezultatima

Terlipressin for Refractory Septic Shock

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Norepinephrine was recommended as the first vasopressor for septic shock resuscitation. For the patient who did not response to high dose norepinephrine, epinephrine was recommended. Both norepinephrine and epinephrine action via the alpha adrenergic stimuli to increase vascular smooth muscle

Ischemic Conditioning Chronic Stroke Study

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RCT of Gastric ESD With or Without Epineprhine Added Solution

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Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is an endoscopic technique aiming to achieve en-bloc resection of mucosal neoplastic lesion in the gastrointestinal tract. It is now considered as the standard of treatment for early gastric cancer confined to the mucosa, achieving an excellent overall survival

Effect of Etidronate in Sodium Hypochlorite Versus Sodium Hypochlorite on the Intensity of Postoperative Pain

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Patients will be clinically and radiographically examined and their eligibility will be assessed Eligible patients will be treated in 2 visits 1. Anesthetizing the tooth using inferior alveolar nerve block technique by local anesthesia of 1.8 ml of 2% Mepivacaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine. 2.

Effect of Irrigation With Antibiotic-containing Solutions on Postoperative Pain and Intra-canal Bacteria

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- After confirming the diagnosis and making sure that the patient conforms to all eligibility criteria, the principal investigator will enroll the patient in the study. - The operator will complete treatment of all cases in two visits as follows: 1. Anesthesia will be achieved using inferior

Hypotension Probability Index in Anesthesia

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Study design The study is designed as a single center randomized prospective interventional trial comparing goal directed hemodynamic management using HPI compared to standard care. Subcenter University hospital of Giessen, Department of Anesthesiology, Operative Intensive Care and Pain Therapy

Evaluation of Early CRRT InTerventions in Patients With ECMO(ELITE)

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Background: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is of great value in supporting patients with severe cardiopulmonary failure, but the mortality rate is still high. Acute kidney injury (AKI) and fluid overload (FO) are the leading causes of death in patients under Veno-arterial (VA) ECMO.

Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: A Department of Defense Funded Multicenter Study

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This is a pilot or feasibility study (designated as UG3 by the Department of Defense) which will be a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm, human subjects pilot study with two Specific Aims: Specific Aim 1 (UG3): To determine the feasibility and optimize the protocol of the

Validation of Cardiometry in Resuscitation of Patients Undergoing Liver Transplantation

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Induction of anaesthesia will be by using propofol ( IV, fentanyl (1-2μg. kg) IV and atracurium (0.5 IV. Anaesthesia will be maintained with Sevoflurane adjusted between 1-2% in an air ⁄ oxygen mix (FiO2 0.6), fentanyl infusion at 1-2 μ and atracurium infusion at 0.5 h.

Prophylactic Topical Epinephrine to Reduce Bleeding in Transbronchial Lung Biopsies

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The role of prophylactic topical epinephrine in improving hemostasis and prevention of clinically-significant pulmonary hemorrhage has never been studied formally in the past, despite its common use by pulmonologists performing bronchoscopic TBLB. Lung transplant recipients undergo multiple

Early Goal Directed Therapy Using a Physiological Holistic View. The ANDROMEDA-SHOCK Study

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Early Goal Directed Therapy using a Physiological Holistic View. A multicenter study in Latin America: The ANDROMEDA-SHOCK Study Hypothesis Peripheral perfusion guided resuscitation in septic shock is associated with lower mortality, less organ dysfunctions, less mechanical ventilation (MV), less

Daily Ginger Drinking and Platelet Function

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Herbal medicine products are dietary supplements that people take to improve their health. Many herbs have been used for a long time for claimed health benefits. They are sold as tablets, capsules, powders, beverages, extracts and fresh or dried plants. Herbal medicines have been associated with

Cerebrovascular Outcomes in Ischemic Heart Disease

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This is a randomized control trial, with randomization nested within rationally-formed groups. Three major groups will be assessed: 1) Coronary artery disease (CAD) patients, 2) Metabolic Syndrome (MetS), and 3) healthy Control (CTL) participants. Allocation into the Healthy CTL versus MeTS groups

Impact of Amount of Fluid for Circulatory Resuscitation on Renal Function in Patients in Shock

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Background and Rationale, clinical evidence to date: All forms of shock and especially septic shock, in which tissue metabolic demands are not fulfilled by blood supply, are main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide and develops in one third of the patients admitted to the ICU. Not only is

Consolidating Tools for Outcomes in Resuscitation

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This study utilizes a prospective, randomized controlled, factorial study design, which examines the effect of integrating different elements of cognitive aids for training pediatric resuscitation team members. Recruited participants will be asked to perform as members of a multi-professional
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