Haitian Creole

picea sitchensis/ատամների ոսկրափուտ

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13 արդյունքներ

Online investigation of respiratory quotients in Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies during drought and shading by means of cavity-enhanced Raman multi-gas spectrometry.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Photosynthesis and respiration are major components of the plant carbon balance. During stress, like drought, carbohydrate supply from photosynthesis is reduced and the Krebs cycle respiration must be fueled with other stored carbon compounds. However, the dynamics of storage use are still unknown.

New Perspectives on CO2, Temperature, and Light Effects on BVOC Emissions Using Online Measurements by PTR-MS and Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) play important roles in atmospheric chemistry, plant ecology, and physiology, and biogenic VOC (BVOC) emitted by plants is the largest VOC source. Our knowledge about how environmental drivers (e.g., carbon, light, and temperature) may regulate BVOC emissions is

Granular Calcite Stimulates Natural Mycorrhization and Growth of White Spruce Seedlings in Peat-Based Substrates in Forest Nursery

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
The acidity of peat-based substrates used in forest nurseries limits seedling mineral nutrition and growth as well as the activity of microorganisms. To our knowledge, no study has yet evaluated the use of granular calcite as a covering material to increase pH, calcium and CO2

Changes in volatile terpene and diterpene resin acid composition of resistant and susceptible white spruce leaders exposed to simulated white pine weevil damage.

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Induced (traumatic) resin in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) leaders resistant or susceptible to the white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi Peck) was analyzed for volatile terpenes and diterpene resin acids after simulated white pine weevil damage. Leaders from 331 trees were wounded just

Negative stain in wax tubes from the surface of Sitka spruce leaves.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Carbon replicas and scanning electron micrographs of wax outgrowths on some leaf surfaces have not shown conclusively whether the outgrowths are tubes or solid rods. Some workers have suggested that they are solid rods. We find that negative stains will penetrate into a cavity in the centre of wax

Role of climate, crown position, tree age and altitude in calculated ozone flux into needles of Picea abies and Pinus cembra: a synthesis.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Ozone (O(3)) flux into Norway spruce (Picea abies) and cembran pine (Pinus cembra) needles was estimated under ambient conditions at six rural sites between 580 and 1950 m a.s.l. We also assessed age-related differences in O(3) flux by examining changes in leaf conductance across the life span of

Distribution of (1->4)-beta-galactans, arabinogalactan proteins, xylans and (1->3)-beta-glucans in tracheid cell walls of softwoods.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Polysaccharides were located in the walls of normal and compression wood tracheids of Pinus radiata (radiata pine), Picea sitchensis (Sitka spruce) and Picea abies (Norway spruce) by transmission electron microscopy using immunogold labelling with monoclonal antibodies to (1-->4)-beta-galactan

Expression of Chia4-Pa chitinase genes during somatic and zygotic embryo development in Norway spruce (Picea abies): similarities and differences between gymnosperm and angiosperm class IV chitinases.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
The developmental pathway of somatic embryogenesis in Norway spruce involves proliferation of proembryogenic masses (PEMs), PEM-to-somatic embryo transition and further development of the somatic embryos. It has previously been shown that extracellular signal molecules, including arabinogalactan

Chemolithoautotrophic nitrifiers in the phyllosphere of a spruce ecosystem receiving high atmospheric nitrogen input.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Evidence is presented for the first time that chemolithoautotrophic ammonia oxidizers (CAO) and chemolithoautotrophic nitrite oxidizers (CNO) colonize in appreciable cell numbers the phyllosphere of spruce trees in a forest ecosystem exposed for decades to high levels of atmospheric nitrogen (The

Modelling critical levels of ozone for the forested area of Austria. Modifications of the AOT40 concept.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
OBJECTIVE Ozone is the most important air pollutant in Europe for forest ecosystems and the increase in the last decades is significant. The ozone impact on forests can be calculated and mapped based on the provisional European Critical Level (AOT40 = accumulated exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb,

Levels of plant cell wall structural organization revealed by atomic force microscopy.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
We used an atomic force microscope to image cell wall isolated from needles of Serbian spruce tree and that synthesized from cell wall components. We also observed the structure of lignin model polymer (DHP), as a best substitute for the natural lignin. A tendency of aggregate formation was observed

17 O-excess as a detector for co-extracted organics in vapor analyses of plant isotope signatures.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել

The stable isotope compositions of hydrogen and oxygen in water (δ2 H and δ18 O values) have been widely used to investigate plant water sources, but traditional isotopic measurements of plant waters are expensive and labor intensive. Recent work

Ice accommodation in plant tissues pinpointed by cryo-microscopy in reflected-polarised-light

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Background: Freezing resistant plant organs are capable to manage ice formation, ice propagation, and ice accommodation down to variable temperature limits without damage. Insights in ice management strategies are essential for the
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Բժշկական դեղաբույսերի ամենալավ տվյալների շտեմարանը, որին աջակցում է գիտությունը

  • Աշխատում է 55 լեզուներով
  • Բուսական բուժում, որին աջակցում է գիտությունը
  • Խոտաբույսերի ճանաչում պատկերով
  • Ինտերակտիվ GPS քարտեզ - նշեք խոտաբույսերը գտնվելու վայրի վրա (շուտով)
  • Կարդացեք ձեր որոնմանը վերաբերող գիտական հրապարակումները
  • Որոնեք բուժիչ դեղաբույսերը ՝ դրանց ազդեցությամբ
  • Կազմակերպեք ձեր հետաքրքրությունները և մշտապես տեղեկացեք նորությունների հետազոտությունների, կլինիկական փորձարկումների և արտոնագրերի մասին

Մուտքագրեք ախտանիշ կամ հիվանդություն և կարդացեք խոտաբույսերի մասին, որոնք կարող են օգնել, տպեք խոտ և տեսեք այն հիվանդություններն ու ախտանիշները, որոնց դեմ օգտագործվում են:
* Ամբողջ տեղեկատվությունը հիմնված է հրապարակված գիտական հետազոտության վրա

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