Haitian Creole

aloe ferox/andoxunarefni

Krækjan er vistuð á klemmuspjaldið
15 niðurstöður

Methods for enhancing antioxidant enzyme activity and reducing c-reactive protein levels

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FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to compositions for alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in a subject. Specifically, the present invention is directed to the field of natural remedies and the development of compositions to increase the antioxidant potential of a subject

Product and process for stabilizing Aloe vera gel

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TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to the processing of Aloe vera gel, and more particularly to a product and controlled temperature process in which antioxidants and other stabilizing agents are used to stabilize the Aloe vera gel. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Aloe vera is a

Product and process for stabilizing aloe vera gel

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TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to the processing of Aloe vera gel, and more particularly to a product and controlled temperature process in which antioxidants and other stabilizing agents are used to stabilize the Aloe vera gel. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Aloe vera is a

Product and process for stabilizing Aloe vera gel

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TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to the processing of Aloe vera gel, and more particularly to a product and controlled temperature process in which antioxidants and other stabilizing agents are used to stabilize the Aloe vera gel. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Aloe vera is a

Drink containing mucilaginous polysaccharides and its preparation

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BACKGROUND The present invention relates to a drink, or a concentrate that can be constituted with water to make a drink, containing aloe vera mucilaginous polysaccharides and its method of preparation from alcohol-precipitated mucilaginous polysaccharides derived from aloe vera leaves. Aloe is a

Compositions for alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in a mammal

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FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to compositions for alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in a subject. Specifically, the present invention is directed to the field of natural remedies and the development of compositions to increase the antioxidant potential of a subject

Compositions for alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in a mammal

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FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to compositions for alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in a subject. Specifically, the present invention is directed to the field of natural remedies and the development of compositions to increase the antioxidant potential of a subject

Compositions for alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in a mammal

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FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to compositions for alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in a subject. Specifically, the present invention is directed to the field of natural remedies and the development of compositions to increase the antioxidant potential of a subject

Compositions for alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in a mammal

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FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to compositions for alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in a subject. Specifically, the present invention is directed to the field of natural remedies and the development of compositions to increase the antioxidant potential of a subject

Compositions for alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in a mammal

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FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to compositions for alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in a subject. Specifically, the present invention is directed to the field of natural remedies and the development of compositions to increase the antioxidant potential of a subject

Preparation of compositions to alleviate inflammation and oxidative stress in a mammal

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FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to compositions for alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in a subject. Specifically, the present invention is directed to the field of natural remedies and the development of compositions to increase the antioxidant potential of a subject

Integrated comprehensive hemorrhoid treatment compositions and regimen

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BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates generally to hemorrhoid treatment and relief, and more specifically to a comprehensive, integrated treatment regimen and relief of pain and discomfort, including separate compositions that promote healing from inside

Aloe vera based vaping compositions

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TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION The invention relates to vaping compositions for inhalation that decrease oxidative stress and enhance nutrient uptake. More particularly a nicotine-free antioxidant vaping solution intended to be atomized or vaporized and inhaled for absorption with effect of

Composition for controlling the respiratory effect of inhaled pollutants and allergens

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BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to a composition for application to mucosal surfaces of the human body and, more particularly, to an oil-based composition for protecting against oxidant related tissue inflammation. 2. Discussion of the Related

Nontoxic, non-endocrine disrupting, cytoprotective, UV-radiation resistant sunblock compositions

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FIELD OF DISCLOSURE This disclosure relates to new and useful ultraviolet radiation protective agents that can be used as beneficial sunscreens and sun-blocks in various compositions or formulations, specifically those of a high SPF value (15-30, or greater). The compositions include enhanced
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