Haitian Creole

beta glucan/atrophy

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Gamma-irradiated β-glucan modulates signaling molecular targets of hepatocellular carcinoma in rats.

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β-glucans are one of the most abundant forms of polysaccharides known as biological response modifiers which influence host's biological response and stimulate immune system. Accordingly, this study was initiated to evaluate irradiated β-glucan as a modulator for cellular signaling growth factors
OBJECTIVE This experimental study investigated the possible protective effect of beta glucans on amikacin ototoxicity. METHODS Thirty-eight rats with normal distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) were divided into four groups. Group K was the control group. Group A was injected

The effect of Beta glucan on Cisplatin ototoxicity.

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This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of betaglucan in ameliorating cisplatin ototoxicity. Rats were divided into four groups: cisplatin (C), cisplatin plus beta glucan (CB), beta glucan (B), and control (K). Distortion product otoacoustic emissions were elicited in 0th, 1st, and 5th
Heterodera avenae (cereal cyst nematode, CCN) infects the roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare) forming syncytial feeding sites. In resistant host plants, relatively few females develop to maturity. Little is known about the physiological and biochemical changes induced during CCN infection. Responses

Protective effects of beta glucan in brain tissues of post-menopausal rats: a histochemical and ultra-structural study.

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Decline of estrogen during menopause has been associated with numerous significant changes that have been linked to many pathophysiological complications. In addition, ovarian hormone deficiency increases the production of reactive oxygen radicals which could result in oxidative stress and cell

Effect of β-glucan-rich barley flour fraction on rheology and quality of frozen yeasted dough.

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Research has shown that prolonged frozen storage of bread dough reduces the quality of the end product. In this study, the effect of air-classified barley flour fraction rich in β-glucan (approximately 25%) on rheology and quality of frozen yeasted bread dough was investigated. Wheat flour (W) was

Effect of arabinoxylan and β-glucan stearic acid ester coatings on post-harvest quality of apple (Royal Delicious).

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The effect of wheat straw arabinoxylan (AX) and β-glucan stearic acid ester (SABG) composite coating on the quality and storage life of apple (Royal Delicious) was studied at 22 °C (±2) with relative humidity of 65% and 85% for 60 days. Fresh fruits were coated with surface coatings of AX-SABG,
Western diet, rich in carbohydrates and fat, is said to be a major factor underlying metabolic syndrome. Interventions with prebiotics, the key modulators of the gut microbiota, have paramount impact on host-associated metabolic disorders. Herein, we investigated the effect of

Fundamental study on the influence of Fusarium infection on quality and ultrastructure of barley malt.

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Barley infection with Fusarium species has been a long standing problem for the malting and brewing industries. In this study, we evaluate the impact of Fusarium culmorum infected raw barley on the final malt quality. Barley grains were infected for 5 days at optimum fungal growth conditions. Grains

Characterization of endoglucanase from Paenibacillus sp. M33, a novel isolate from a freshwater swamp forest.

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The newly isolated Paenibacillus sp. M33 from freshwater swamp forest soil in Thailand demonstrated its potential as a cellulose degrader. One of its endoglucanase genes from Paenibacillus sp., celP, was cloned to study the molecular characteristics of its gene product. The celP gene was recognized

Protective effects of salecan against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in mice.

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Carbon tetrachloride (CCl₄) is a well-established model for screening hepato-protective drugs. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential protective effects of a novel soluble β-glucan salecan on acute liver injury induced by CCl₄ in mice and to further explore the underlying

Oats as a matrix of choice for developing fermented functional beverages.

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Development of oat-based fermented beverages started in Europe in the past 30 years with the rise of the functional foods market. It is based on the increasing consumer demand for health drinks and value added foods and on the scientific insights on the nutrition composition of oats. The main health
Following infection with Schistosoma mansoni larvae, haemocytes of resistant Biomphalaria glabrata snails execute a rapid defence during which they migrate towards and encapsulate the parasites. Such immediate and precise responses are thought to depend on signal transduction cascades though the

An environmental management industrial solution for the treatment and reuse of mussel wastewaters.

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In the North-West of Spain, the annual production of mussel is 2×10(6)t (35% of the world). The industrial thermal treatment of mussels generates between 300 and 400L/t wastewaters that are continuously disposed into the sea without previous treatment and or further reuse. These effluents,

Gastrointestinal surface protection and mucosa reconditioning.

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BACKGROUND There is increasing evidence that preservation of the ecology of the gastrointestinal tract and the surface protection system--surfactants, mucus, and fiber--is important for the outcome in postoperative trauma patients, patients after bone marrow and liver transplantation, and patients
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