Haitian Creole

beta glucan/sarcoma

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Antitumor activity of Pleurotus ostreatus polysaccharide fractions on Ehrlich tumor and Sarcoma 180.

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The medicinal properties of fungi of the genus Pleurotus have attracted great interest due to their therapeutic properties. Polysaccharides synthesized by Pleurotus, including the β-glucans are considered the main responsible for its therapeutic properties. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy

Anticancer and Immunopotentiating Activities of Crude Polysaccharides from Pleurotus nebrodensis on Mouse Sarcoma 180.

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Pleurotus nebrodensis is an edible and commercially available mushroom in Korea. This study was conducted in order to evaluate the anticancer and immunopotentiating activities of crude polysaccharides, extracted in methanol, neutral saline, and hot water (hereafter referred to as Fr. MeOH, Fr. NaCl,

Physiological activities of a beta-glucan produced by Panebacillus polymyxa.

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In vitro bioactivities of a beta-glucan produced by Panebacillus polymyxa JB115 were investigated. Nitric oxide production by RAW 264.7 macrophage cells pre-treated with beta-glucan JB115 (from 0.1 to 1 mg ml(-1)) was significantly increased, compared to that in untreated cells (P < 0.001). The

Correlation of structure to antitumor activities of five derivatives of a beta-glucan from Poria cocos sclerotium.

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A water-insoluble (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan isolated from fresh sclerotium of Poria cocos was, respectively, sulfated, carboxymethylated, methylated, hydroxyethylated, and hydroxypropylated, to afford five water-soluble derivatives. Their weight-average molecular masses (Mw) and intrinsic viscosities
BACKGROUND Enterococcus faecalis 2001 is a probiotic lactic acid bacterium and has been used as a biological response modifier (BRM). From physiological limitation of bacterial preservation in storage and safety, the live E. faecalis 2001 has been heat-treated and the BRM components containing high

Antitumor beta glucan from the cultured fruit body of Agaricus blazei.

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Agaricus blazei is a medically important mushroom widely eaten and prescribed in Japan. Polysaccharide fractions were prepared from cultured A. blazei by repeated extraction with hot water (AgHWE), cold NaOH (AgCA), and then hot NaOH (AgHA). By chemical, enzymic, and NMR analyses, the primary

Antitumor 1,3-beta-glucan from cultured fruit body of Sparassis crispa.

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Sparassis crispa is an edible mushroom recently cultivable in Japan. Polysaccharide fractions were prepared from the cultured S. crispa by repeated extraction with hot water (SCHWE), cold NaOH (SCCA), and then hot NaOH (SCHA). HWE was further separated by 1 volume (SCHWE1v) or 4 volumes (SCHWE4v) of

Structure of a β-glucan from Grifola frondosa and its antitumor effect by activating Dectin-1/Syk/NF-κB signaling.

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A soluble homogeneous β-glucan, GFPBW1, with a molecular mass of 300 kDa was purified from the fraction of the fruit bodies of Grifola frondosa extracted with 5% NaOH. Using various methods, such as infrared spectroscopy, NMR, methylation and monosaccharide composition analysis, its structure was

Failure in antitumor activity by overdose of an immunomodulating beta-glucan preparation, sonifilan.

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Schizophyllan (SPG, Sonifilan) is a soluble (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan, used as a biological response modifier (BRM) with radiation therapy for cancer treatment in Japan. The mechanism of SPG mediated antitumor activity is thought to be via immune stimulation, which includes cytokine production,
Medicinal mushrooms are used in popular medicine largely as health promoters, mainly because of their antitumor and immunomodulatory activities. Ganoderma lucidum (lingzhi or reishi) and Agaricus brasiliensis are mushrooms that have long been used for medicinal purposes. This study evaluated their

Evaluation of sulfated Lentinus edodes alpha-(1-->3)-D-glucan as a potential antitumor agent.

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Alpha-glucan L-FV-II and beta-glucan L-FV-I were shown to co-exist in the extract of fruiting bodies of Lentinus edodes with aq. 5% NaOH/0.05% NaBH4 in previous work. Water-insoluble alpha-(1-->3)-D-glucan (L-FV-II) was treated with sulfur trioxide-pyridine complex at 25 degrees C to synthesize the

Studies on the chemical structure and antitumor activity of an exopolysaccharide from Rhizobium sp. N613.

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The molecular structure of the rhizobium exopolysaccharide (REPS) was analyzed by enzymolysis, periodate oxidation, and Smith degradation, and by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The results indicated that REPS was a beta-glucan with a backbone of beta-D-(1-->4)-linked glucose residues and branches of

gamma-Propoxy-sulfo-lichenin, an antitumor polysaccharide derived from lichenin.

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A water-soluble semisynthetic polysaccharide, gamma-propoxy-sulfo-lichenin (PSL), was prepared by reaction of propansultone with lichenin, a natural occurring beta-1.3/1.4-linked glucan originating from Cetraria sp. PSL represents a class of mixed-linked beta-glucans with long and hydrophilic side
Mushroom dietary fiber or nonstarch polysaccharides (NSPs) that were soluble in hot alkali and belonged to the beta-glucan type were isolated from the sclerotia of an edible mushroom, Pleurotus tuber-regium. The mushroom NSPs were further separated into a number of fractions [hot alkali extracts

Immunomodulating and Antitumor Activities of Panellus serotinus Polysaccharides.

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This study was initiated in order to investigate the anticancer and immunomodulating activities of crude polysaccharides extracted in methanol, neutral saline, and hot water (hereinafter referred to as Fr. MeOH, Fr. NaCl, and Fr. HW, respectively) from the fruiting bodies of Panellus serotinus.
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