Haitian Creole


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Chloroquine pretreatment inhibits toll-like receptor 3 signaling after stroke.

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Toll-like receptors (TLRs) mediated signaling is mainly implicated in inflammatory activation which contributes to the initiation and progression of stroke. Using a model of transient global cerebral ischemia (tGCI) in rats, we investigated the changes of pro-inflammation mediators and tested the

Chloroquine Restores Ganglioside Homeostasis and Improves Pathological and Behavioral Outcomes Post-stroke in the Rat.

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Perturbations of ganglioside homeostasis have been observed following stroke whereby toxic simple gangliosides GM2 and GM3 accumulate, while protective complex species GM1 and GD1 are reduced. Thus, there is a need for therapeutic interventions which can prevent ganglioside dysregulation after

A photostable Si-rhodamine-based near-infrared fluorescent probe for monitoring lysosomal pH during heat stroke.

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Heat stroke is a symptom of hyperthermia with a temperature of more than 40 °C, which usually leads to all kinds of physical discomfort and even death. It is necessary to study the mechanism of action of heat stroke on cells or organelles (such as cytotoxicity of heat) and the processes of cells or

Pharmacological and cardiovascular perspectives on the treatment of COVID-19 with chloroquine derivatives

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The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and an ongoing severe pandemic. Curative drugs specific for COVID-19 are currently lacking. Chloroquine phosphate and its derivative hydroxychloroquine, which have been used in the
Stroke has been considered as one of the underlying diseases that increases the probability of severe infection and mortality. Meanwhile, there are ongoing reports of stroke subsequent to COVID-19 infection. In this narrative paper, we reviewed major neurologic adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and
OBJECTIVE The role of autophagy in response to ischemic stroke has been confusing with reports that both enhancement and inhibition of autophagy decrease infarct size and improve post-stroke outcomes. We sought to clarify this by comparing pharmacologic modulation of autophagy in two clinically
Chloroquine, a prototype anti-malaria drug, has been reported to possess anti-inflammatory effects. Moreover, chloroquine pretreatment could improve DNA damage repair. It is therefore reasonable to hypothesize that chloroquine pretreatment could attenuate ischemia/reperfusion injury in the brain.

Restoration of CTSD (Cathepsin D) and Lysosomal Function in Stroke Is Neuroprotective

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Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability. The pathophysiological mechanisms associated with stroke are very complex and not fully understood. Lysosomal function has a vital physiological function in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. In neurons, CTSD (cathepsin D) is an essential

[Lupus in Germany: analysis within the German lupus self-help organization (LULA)].

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During the last few decades, the prognosis for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (LE) has changed from high early mortality to a more chronic longterm course. Although the prevalence of LE has been estimated at 20-50/100,000, data concerning the situation of LE patients in Germany are

Influence of gender on the clinical and laboratory spectra of patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome.

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The objectives of this cross-sectional study were to evaluate the differences between males and females in the clinical and biochemical manifestations of primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (PAPS). The method involved 49 patients (38 premenopausal females and 11 males) diagnosed with PAPS

Antimalarial and cytotoxic drugs on COVID-19 and the cardiovascular burden: Literature review and lessons to be learned

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Background: The world is witnessing an unprecedented crisis with Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). It is important to accurately analyze the available evidence to provide correct clinical guidance for optimal patient care. We aim to

Pseudoginsenoside-F11 attenuates cerebral ischemic injury by alleviating autophagic/lysosomal defects.

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OBJECTIVE Pseudoginsenoside-F11 (PF11), an ocotillol-type ginsenoside, has been reported to exert wide-ranging neuroprotective properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect and potential mechanisms of PF11 on the autophagic/lysosomal pathway following ischemic stroke. METHODS Male

Acute sickle cell syndromes in Nigerian adults.

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The pattern of acute illness was determined in 102 adolescents and adults with sickle cell anaemia who presented to the emergency unit of a Lagos hospital. The patients had a mean age of 20.5 years (SD 13.1) and a male-female ratio of 1.5. The symptoms included fever (72%), fatigue and weakness

Lysosome-dependent degradation of Notch3.

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Notch signaling plays an essential role in diverse biological processes during development and in pathogenesis of diseases ranging from cancer to cerebrovascular disorders. Precise regulation of Notch signaling is essential for normal function and requires both timely activation and inactivation of
Malaria is a global health problem that causes significant mortality and morbidity, with more than 1 million deaths per year caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Most antimalarial drugs face decreased efficacy due to the emergence of resistant parasites, which necessitates the discovery of new drugs. To
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