Haitian Creole


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Efficacy and Safety of Sirolimus in COVID-19 Infection

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In early December 2019, several pneumonia cases of unknown origin were observed in Wuhan (China). A novel enveloped RNA β coronavirus was isolated and named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV- 2). The new virus rapidly spread across China and worldwide. On March 11th 2020, the

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange in Resistant Cytokine Storm of COVID 19

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In early December 2019, several pneumonia cases of unknown origin were observed in Wuhan (China). A novel enveloped RNA β coronavirus was isolated and named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The new virus rapidly spread across China and worldwide. On March 11th 2020, the

Administration of Chlorpromazine as a Treatment for COVID-19

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Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in over 6 million confirmed infected cases worldwide and over 397,000 deaths as of June 8th, 2020 according to the World Health Organization. Currently, there is no specific medication for COVID-19, as there are different protocols of treatments that

Effects of Photobiomodulation Therapy Combined With Static Magnetic Field in CrossFit® Athletes

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To achieve the proposed objective it will be performed a randomized, crossover, triple-blind (volunteers, outcome assessors and therapists), placebo-controlled trial. Twelve volunteers will be allocated to four interventions/situation. The order of the interventions/situations will be

McArdle Disease Treatment by Ketogenic Diet

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McArdle disease (myophosphorylase deficiency, glycogen storage disease type 5, GSD5, OMIM # 232600) is an inherited metabolic disorder of skeletal muscle. Affected patients suffer from genetically determined lack of the enzyme muscle glycogen phosphorylase, which is essential for glycogen

Functional Evaluation of Kefir Drink on Antifatigue and Exercise Exercise Performance-2

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Effects of Phosphatidic Acid on Strength and Hypertrophy

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There are indications that phosphatidic acid (PA) supplementation is capable of enhancing gains in strength and muscle mass in response to strength training, although the literature is still incipient and controversial. The present study will adopt a randomized, double-blind, parallel group and

Effect of Creatine and Caffeine on Muscle Performance

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Creatine and caffeine are among the most popular ergogenic aids used by exercising individuals. Creatine supplementation during resistance training has been shown to increase muscle mass and muscle performance (i.e. strength, endurance), possibly by influencing high-energy phosphate metabolism,

Resistance Training +/- Creatine for Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients

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PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: I. To evaluate the change in lean mass with 12 weeks of creatine supplementation + resistance training compared to resistance training alone. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: I. To evaluate change in other body composition variables (i.e. fat mass, fat-free mass, percent body fat,

Dairy Consumption During a High-intensity, High-volume Training Week in Young Athletes

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The proposed study is a double-blind, cross-over two-week intervention, simulating the peaking phases (high-intensity and volume) in young competitive soccer players. Study Procedures: All tests and measurements will be performed within six-weeks across five visits. The two training intervention

Recovery of Performance, Muscle Damage and Neuromuscular Fatigue Following Muscle Power Training

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Muscle power is one of the most important parameters in almost every athletic action, and expresses the ability of the human muscle to produce great amounts of force with the greatest possible speed. Thus, muscle power is critical for high performance in athletic actions such as jumping, throwing,

Usefulness of White Blood Cell Count (WBCC) During Infection in Geriatric Patient

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Study design Observational prospective study The subjects Number of subjects 200 subjects: Average value CRP: group 1: 55; group 2: 84 Average standard deviation: 70.52 Power 80%: 158 deelnemers Power 90%: 202 deelnemers alpha = 0.05 2-sample T-test. Inclusion criteria Acute inflammation is defined

ZIP Study - A Study to Evaluate the PK, Safety, Efficacy, and PD With ATB200/AT2221 in LOPD Subjects Aged 12 to <18

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The study will consist of a 30-day screening period, a 12-month treatment period, and a 30-day safety follow-up period, for a total duration of approximately 14 months. Subjects who complete this study may have an opportunity to enroll in a separate long-term extension study. Pediatric subjects will

Expression of BNDF Through Stretching and Recovery

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Introduction. The phenomena of biological adaptation and overtraining are closely related terms, that is why in sport it is possible to identify two types of overtraining. The first of these is known as short-term overtraining, which is required as a state of peripheral fatigue induced by repeated

Evaluation of a Supplement for Weight Management in Obese and Overweight Individuals

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The present study is a randomized double-blind placebo controlled repeated measures design, with sampling of the cohorts on five separate occasions. Group 1: Intervention Group (n = 24) Healthy, overweight or obese physically inactive males, supplement, n = 12 Healthy, overweight or obese physically
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