Haitian Creole


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The Immune System in End Stage CKD Patients - Comparison Among Different Modalities of RRT

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The sustained inflammatory state in CKD is of complex pathogenesis and is believed to be in part attributable to the augmented activation of innate immune system cell subsets. The activation of the innate immune system plays an essential role within all the spectrum of cardiovascular disease in CKD,

Population at Risk of Malignant Hyperthermia: Ambispective Cohort.

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Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacogenetic disease that manifests itself as a hypermetabolic response of skeletal musculature, in genetically susceptible patients, with the inhalation of volatile halogenated anesthetics, depolarizing neuromuscular relaxants such and, rarely, physical stressors

Sickle Cell Trait and Exercise, Effect of Hot Environment

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Introduction The sickle cell disease is an inherited disorder characterized by abnormal hemoglobin called hemoglobin S or sickle hemoglobin in red blood cells of subjects. The homozygous form (hemoglobin SS) causes sickle cell anemia and is the most severe kind of sickle cell disease. Hemoglobin SC

7-day Atorvastatin and Emotional Processing

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Depression is common and associated with considerable health disability. Traditional antidepressants mainly work by modulating monoamine levels in the synaptic cleft; however, the evidence that depression is caused by impaired serotonin or noradrenaline activity is weak and inconsistent, and indeed

Prospective Cohort Study on Minimal Invasive Coronary Surgery

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1. MIDCAB procedure introduction 1. Surgery preparation: General anesthesia, double lumen tracheal intubation. In the supine position, tilt 15° to the right. An automatic defibrillation electrode is attached to the right front and left rear chest wall, and the external defibrillator is connected. A

Creatine Supplementation During Resistance Training for People Recovering From Stroke

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The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of creatine supplementation and supervised resistance training in stroke survivors. It is hypothesized that creatine supplementation and resistance training will increase whole-body lean tissue mass, limb muscle thickness, muscle strength, tasks

Cardio-embolic Stroke and Blood Bio-markers

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participants and methods : 96 acute ischemic stroke patients divided to two groups ; group Ι : 48 patients with cardio-embolic stroke (CES) and group ΙΙ: 48 patients with cerebrovascular stroke other than cardio-embolic stroke (non CES), with first-ever acute ischemic stroke within 24 h of onset of

Antegrade and Retrograde Dissection and Re-entry Approach for CTO

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METHODS 1. Trial overview and study population. ① This clinical trial is a prospective, exploratory, nonrandomized, multicenter trial evaluating the frequency of angiographic restenosis and clinical outcomes among patients undergoing CTO PCI in intimal stent group using antegrade or retrograde wire

Stroke Imaging Package Study of Intracranial Atherosclerosis ( SIPS-ICAS )

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1. First-ever stroke patients attributed to intracranial artery stenosis (> 50% or occlusion) within 7 days after onset will be prospectively enrolled in our study and undergo new imaging technique package assessment at baseline. 2. The imaging technique package includes conventional cranial MRI

Metabolic and Muscular Adaptations During Inactivity in 3 Days of Bed-rest

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Bed rest is a widely accepted experimental model used to study physiological adaptations to space flight, including bone and muscle mass loss, fluid shift, and cardiovascular deconditioning. Generally, participants are asked to spend a period in bed, with all activities of daily living being

The Effect of Very Low Calorie Diet With and Without Exercise on Muscle Synthesis in Middle-aged Overweight Male.

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Recent interest has emerged on the role of hypoenergetic very low calorie diets (VLCD) in managing overweight and obese people with or without type 2 diabetes. However, VLCD results in 20-30% of mass lost as lean body mass (LBM) besides adipose tissue. Since LBM in the form of skeletal muscle plays

Skeletal Muscles in Acute Heart Failure

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T1. Objective and hypotheses Acute heart failure (AHF) is associated with the disorders of peripheral perfusion, leading to injury of many vital organs. Consequently, each episode of AHF can have a form of multiple organ failure with potential injury and dysfunction of skeletal muscles; however,

Therapeutic Effect of Local Hypothermia in Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction

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Ethics and organization The study was designed in agreement with the Declaration of Nanjing, and the study protocol was approved by the local ethics committees. A written informed consent will be completed before inclusion. The trial was coordinated and monitored by the First Affiliated Hospital

Frailty In Cardiac Surgery Copenhagen Study

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Background: In general, patients referred to cardiac surgery are aging. An increasing number of patients are now older than 70 years. [1]This older population of patients undergoing cardiac surgery often has several comorbidities and has an increased risk of complications and mortality compared to

Clinical Study of Liraglutide in Improving Cardiac Function for Patients With Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

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Investigators will enroll 400 patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy who were admitted to the Chinese PLA General Hospital. All patients enrolled in this study will collect detailed baseline clinical data, including blood, enzymes (troponin, creatine kinase), blood sugar, serum creatinine, blood
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  • Gagnvirkt GPS kort - merktu jurtir á staðsetningu (kemur fljótlega)
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