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Distribution of albumin and alpha-fetoprotein mRNAs in normal, hyperplastic, and preneoplastic rat liver.

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The nature of bile duct-like (oval) cells proliferating during chemical hepatocarcinogenesis has been controversial. To investigate this issue further, the authors compared the hepatic distribution of albumin (ALB) and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) mRNAs in rats in which oval cell proliferation was

Use of percutaneous ethanol injection for treatment of bilateral hyperplastic thyroid nodules in cats.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the efficacy and safety of percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) for the treatment of hyperthyroidism caused by bilateral hyperplastic thyroid nodules in cats. DESIGN; Prospective study. METHODS 7 cats. METHODS Hyperthyroidism was diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs and

Local application of advanced glycation end products and intimal hyperplasia in the rabbit collared carotid artery.

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OBJECTIVE Accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the vessel wall has been implicated in atherogenesis. The aim of our study was to examine the effects of local application of glycated bovine serum albumin (AGE-BSA) on collar-induced intimal hyperplasia in a diabetes-free

Serum proteins in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

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Studies of serum protein patterns done in a group of 42 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (PBH) revealed the following: (1) prior to the operation significant hypalbuminaemia and increase of alpha 2-, beta- and gamma-globulins, IgG, IgA, IgM and CRP levels; (2) 12 days after operation a
Chronic foci of infection, and primarily an inflammatory affection of the biliary system revealed in 58.3 per cent of persons with endemic hyperplasia of the thyroid gland of the I and II degree promoted an increase in cholesterolemia and caused a more pronounced (than in the absence of focal

The role of cholesterol accumulation in prosthetic vascular graft anastomotic intimal hyperplasia.

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OBJECTIVE To demonstrate that modulation of plasma cholesterol concentrations affects prosthetic vascular graft anastomotic intimal hyperplasia (AIH), aortic grafts were examined histologically and biochemically in 41 rabbits. METHODS Twenty-seven rabbits were fed standard rabbit diet, whereas 14
Nodular regenerative hyperplasia is a histopathological diagnosis characterized by the diffuse transformation of the liver parenchyma into regenerative nodules associated with rheumatologic and hematologic disorders, azathioprine immunosuppression or vascular injuries. The authors report the case of

Hemato-biochemical alterations and urinalysis in dogs suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia.

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OBJECTIVE The study was designed to evaluate the hemato-biochemical alterations, urinalysis along with histomorphological and histological changes of prostate glands in dogs affected with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in and around Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. METHODS In toto, 445 dogs presented

Evaluation of ischemia-modified albumin in myocardial infarction and prostatic diseases.

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BACKGROUND Ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) has been shown to be a rapidly rising and sensitive biochemical marker for the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia. In this study, we evaluated the levels of IMA in myocardial infarction and prostate diseases, as well as the influence of HDL cholesterol levels

Pulmonary response to bovine albumin. A morphometric study in rats.

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The following hypothesis is proposed: that hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), experimentally induced in rats, is the cause of a thickening in the alveolar wall, a decrease in the size of the alveole, hyperplasia in the bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) and hypertrophy in the goblet cells.

The production of arthritis in beagles by an immunological reaction to bovine serum albumin.

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Arthritis was produced in beagles by the immunological reaction to bovine serum albumin (BSA). Dogs immunized with BSA showed the development of delayed type-hypersensitivity response to BSA and the significant increase in the titer of serum anti-BSA antibodies. The development of arthritis and the
A bloodspot assay has been developed using an antiserum raised against androstenedione-3-carboxymethyloxime-bovine serum albumin (AD-3CMO-BSA) conjugate and 125I-AD-3CMO-histamine tracer. The method has a detection limit of 0.6 nmol/L blood and a working range from 0.6 to 40 nmol/L blood. The

Baldness, benign prostate hyperplasia, prostate cancer and androgen levels.

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BACKGROUND We evaluated the pattern of baldness and serum androgen levels in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. BPH, prostate cancer and androgenic alopecia (AA) were somehow androgen dependent and affect large population of elderly men. METHODS A total of 152

Exogenous Fibronectin to Prevent Neointimal Hyperplasia after Balloon Angioplasty.

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This study examined the effect of fibronectin to prevent restenosis in a microswine model after balloon angioplasty of the right iliac artery. Immediately following angioplasty, fourteen hypercholesterolemic microswines were randomized to receive fibronectin (223.5 mg, n = 8) or saline containing

Analysis of Aged Human Serum Albumin Affinity for Doxazosin.

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Structural changes of human serum albumin (HSA) caused by old age and coexisting diseases result in differences in the binding of doxazosin (DOX). DOX is a postsynaptic α1- adrenoreceptor antagonist used for treatment of hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia. In elderly people suffering from
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