Haitian Creole


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BACKGROUND Foveolar cell hyperplasia (FCH) has been reported as a rare cause of persistent gastric outlet obstruction in patients with infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS), which, if present, requires excision of the gastric foveolar folds to resolve the persistent obstruction. This is a

Focal foveolar cell hyperplasia presenting as recurrent emesis in a young infant.

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Gastric outlet obstruction caused by focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver: A case report and literature review.

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BACKGROUND Here, we present a case of gastric outlet obstruction due to focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver. METHODS A 23-year-old female presented to our emergency clinic with nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Endoscopy showed that the prepyloric region of the stomach was externally

Cystic endometrial hyperplasia and endometritis in a dog following prolonged treatment of medroxyprogesterone acetate.

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An 8-year-old female Yorkshire Terrier was presented for investigation of reduced appetite, and occasional vomiting. She has been treated with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) from past 3 year-old age for contraception. Abdominal sonography showed abnormal enlargement of uterus, and

Gastric hyperplastic polyps in post transplant patients: a clinicopathologic study.

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Gastric hyperplastic polyps in organ transplant recipients have been recently described; however, the clinical significance of hyperplastic polyps in this setting remains unclear. The aim of this study is to further characterize the clinical presentation and histopathology of gastric hyperplastic

Gastric outlet obstruction secondary to a pedunculated hyperplastic polyp with early malignant changes.

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Hyperplastic polyps are the most common polypoidal lesions of the stomach showing a varied presentation. They may be asymptomatic; however, occasionally they can cause anaemia and gastric outlet obstruction. Malignant transformation is a serious complication associated with such polyps. We present

[Bruner's gland hyperplasia: case report and literature review].

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Bruner's gland hyperplasia (BGH) is an infrequent benign injury located on the first or second portion of the duodenum. We presented the case of a 59 year-old man with vomits, diarrhea, upper gastrointestinal bleeding intermittent and loss of weight in which was a nodule in the duodenum that

A case of lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia presenting with cholestasis.

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BACKGROUND Lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia, is the rarest and usually the most severe form of adrenal steroidogenic defect,which may presents as infantile cholestasis. METHODS Here we present a 45 days old infant who came to our attention with cholestasis and severe intractable vomiting and

Management of hyperplastic gastric polyp following upper gastrointestinal bleeding in infant with Menkes' disease.

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We report a case of an infant with Menkes' disease (MD) presented at the age of five months, with coffee ground vomiting, melaena with a significant drop of haemoglobin. Urgent endoscopic assessment revealed a friable bleeding trans-pyloric multi-lobulated sessile polyp. Due to further significant
Benign gastric inflammatory hyperplasic polyps are benign lesions that rarely occur in young age. We report a case of diffuse benign gastric inflammatory hyperplastic polyps in a 19 year old male patient who presented with cough, nausea, and haematemesis. In the presented case symptoms such as

Brunner's gland hyperplasia: an unusual duodenal submucosal lesion seen in four patients.

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Brunner's gland hyperplasia is an extremely rare benign hamartomatous lesion seen in proximal duodenum. Difficulty in diagnosing the condition pre-operatively puts the surgeon in dilemma for deciding appropriate management. We retrieved details from prospectively maintained retrospective data from

Brunner's gland hyperplasia at the ampulla of Vater.

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Brunner's gland hyperplasia (BGH) is a diagnostic challenge where in the pathophysiology and natural history remain poorly understood. This Case Report describes BGH arising at the ampulla of Vater, causing abdominal pain and vomiting in a 46-year-old man. Owing to the inconclusive nature of imaging

A case report of pyloric intussusception secondary to helicobacter pylori hyperplastic polyps.

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We report a middle age man who presented with intermittent vomiting and loss of weight. Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy showed numerous antral hyperplastic polyps with inaccessible duodenum. Contrast enhanced computed topography demonstrated a classical target sign of intussusception. This finding was

Alu Sx repeat-induced homozygous deletion of the StAR gene causes lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

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Lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia (Lipoid CAH) is the most severe form of the autosomal recessive disorder CAH. A general loss of the steroid biosynthetic activity caused by defects in the StAR gene manifests as life-threatening primary adrenal insufficiency. We report a case of Lipoid CAH

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a potential diagnosis for the neonate in shock.

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Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (C.A.H.) is an autosomal recessive disorder which is often life threatening during the neonatal period prior to establishment of the diagnosis and instigation of appropriate treatment. In females the condition is usually detected at birth due to genital ambiguity.
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