Haitian Creole

morus nigra/vefjadrep

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First Report of Black raspberry necrosis virus in Rubus canadensis in Tennessee.

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Symptoms that resembled virus infection were observed on several smooth blackberry (Rubus canadensis L.) plants in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park (GSMNP) during a project carried out in the summer and fall of 2006 as part of All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI) activities (2). Diseased
The present study investigated the effects of black mulberry (Morus nigra) syrup supplementation on growth performance, hematological, serum biochemical, innate immune parameters, immune and antioxidant related gene expression responses, and disease resistance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus.
BACKGROUND Morus bombycis Koidzumi is widely distributed in Asia. In Korea, it has been used in traditional medicine because of its apparent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and hepatoprotective properties. OBJECTIVE Although the extract of Morus bombycis Koidzumi (MB) has long since been used as a
The aim of the present study was to evaluate immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective effects of glycoprotein isolated from Morus indica Linne (MIL glycoprotein) on carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4) )-induced liver injury. In the present study, MIL glycoprotein (5 and 10 mg kg(-1) body weight) was

UP1306: A Composition Containing Standardized Extracts of Acacia catechu and Morus alba for Arthritis Management.

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by progressive articular cartilage degradation. Although there have been significant advances in OA management, to date, there are no effective treatment options to modify progression of the disease. We believe these unmet needs could be bridged by nutrients from

Antiarthritis Effect of Morin is Associated with Inhibition of Synovial Angiogensis.

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Morin, a flavonoid isolated from Morus alba L. (Moraceae), possesses anti-inflammatory, antiangiogenic among other biological activities. This study investigated its effect on type II collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in rats and explored the underlying mechanisms in view of synovial angiogenesis.

Natural compound cudraflavone B shows promising anti-inflammatory properties in vitro.

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Cudraflavone B (1) is a prenylated flavonoid found in large amounts in the roots of Morus alba, a plant used as a herbal remedy for its reputed anti-inflammatory properties. The present study shows that this compound causes a significant inhibition of inflammatory mediators in selected in vitro

First Report of Trunk Blight and Canker of Morus alaba var. pendula Caused by Fusarium lateritium f. sp. mori in Hungary.

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Morus alba var. pendula (mulberry) is a favorite ornamental tree in Hungary. In 1998 and 1999, a canker disease was observed on this species in a western Hungarian ornamental tree nursery in Köszeg. Bark necrosis and cankers exposing the xylem were observed on the trunks of 1-, 2-, and 3-year-old

First Report of Gray Mold of Strawberry Caused by Botrytis caroliniana in North Carolina.

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Gray mold caused by Botrytis spp. is one of the most economically important diseases of cultivated strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) worldwide. In June 2011, strawberry fruit that was symptomatic of gray mold disease was collected from High Point county in North Carolina. Fruit had brown lesions that
The present study introduces a simple, biocompatible and effective drug delivery system by using mesoporous nanocomposite-based platform. To achieve this goal, mesopourous Fe3O4@SiO2-hydroxyapatite nanocomposite (mFSH) was synthesized by sonochemical process in

First Report of a Tospovirus in Mulberry.

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Mulberry (Morus alba L.) is an economically important crop grown widely throughout Asia. Various virus-like symptoms including mosaics, vein banding, and chlorotic ringspots have been observed and reported on mulberry trees in China and Japan for decades. However, the etiology of mulberry viral

Characterization of Gnomoniopsis idaeicola, the Causal Agent of Canker and Wilting of Blackberry in Serbia.

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Blackberry cane diseases with the symptoms of necrosis, canker, and wilting are caused by several fungi worldwide. Surveys conducted from 2013 to 2016 in Serbia revealed the occurrence of Gnomoniopsis idaeicola, the causal agent of cane canker and wilting, which was found to be distributed in almost

Effect of Cercosporella rubi on Blackberry Floral Bud Development.

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Rosette, caused by the fungus Cercosporella rubi, is an important blackberry disease in the southeastern United States. This disease severely reduces fruit production, and its management has been erratic due to a limited understanding of the host-pathogen relationship. In this study, we expand on

Anti-inflammatory effect of dikaempferol rhamnopyranoside, a diflavonoid from Eugenia jambolana Lam. Leaves.

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Traditionally, the Indian Blackberry or locally called Jamun, Eugenia jambolana Lam. (Syn.: Syzygium cumini), is well known for its pharmacological potential, particularly anti-inflammatory. Here, we studied kaempferol-7-O-α-L-rhamnopyranoside]-4'-O-4'- [kaempferol-7-O-α-L-rhamnopyranoside (EJ-01)

Disseminated sporotrichosis mimicking sarcoidosis.

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A 40-year-old Caucasian man presented to the dermatology clinic at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, in February 2003, for the evaluation of three nonhealing ulcers. The patient's past medical history was significant for hypothyroidism and pulmonary sarcoidosis, the diagnosis of which was
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