Haitian Creole


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Contact urticaria to tobacco.

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The effects of nectar-nicotine on colony fitness of caged honeybees.

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Nectar of many bee flowers contains secondary compounds, which are considered toxic for honeybees on repeated exposure. Although many anecdotal reports indicate the toxicity of secondary compounds to bees, only a few studies have tested the extent of toxicity at different honeybee ages, especially

Skin tests of a novel nicotine patch, PHK-301p, in healthy male volunteers: phase I, placebo-controlled study.

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Major local adverse reactions in the nicotine patches are skin reactions. To assess the skin reaction of PHK-301p, a newly developed nicotine patch, we conducted a phase I study that consisted of 2 parts: a skin irritation test (48-h closed patch test) and a photosensitivity test (24-h closed patch

Hypersensitivity to tobacco antigens in smokers and nonsmokers.

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The examinations were carried out in 336 tobacco smokers, 91 persons who gave up smoking, 175 persons exposed to tobacco smoke indirectly and 112 persons who had nothing to do with tobacco smoke. Together 714 persons were examined. The examinations, which were carried out on the grounds of the

Adverse skin reactions to nicotine in a transdermal therapeutic system.

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Nicotine in a transdermal therapeutic system (TTS) has been introduced recently to help people to stop smoking. 14 volunteers (10 male, 4 female) with a history of former adverse skin reactions to this device were investigated. Skin tests for contact urticaria and patch tests for contact allergy

Resistance of developing honeybee larvae during chronic exposure to dietary nicotine.

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The effects of pesticides on honeybee larvae are less understood than for adult bees, even though larvae are chronically exposed to pesticide residues that accumulate in comb and food stores in the hive. We investigated how exposure to a plant alkaloid, nicotine, affects survival, growth and body

Urticarial reaction following the inhalation of nicotine in tobacco smoke.

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We report a patient with recurrent generalized itching and urticaria due to inhalation of nicotine in tobacco smoke. A skin prick test with nicotine base (1:10 w/v) was negative but an intradermal test with nicotine base (1:100 w/v) was strongly positive. Intradermal tests with nicotine base (1:100

Tests to establish the diagnosis in cholinergic urticaria.

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Methods for establishing the diagnosis in cholinergic urticaria are reviewed and compared. Provocation by exercise or hot bath is more effective than local provocation by intradermal tests. Of the intradermal tests, responses to nicotine acid tartrate and acetyl beta methylcholine chloride are

Generalized pruritus in a patient sensitized to tobacco and cannabis.

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Respiratory problems or urticaria are well known in patients sensitized to tobacco. This occurs mainly as an occupational disease in tobacco workers, but also occasionally in those who smoke tobacco or dip snuff. Similar respiratory problems and anaphylactoid reactions have been observed in patients

Diurnal and twenty-four hour patterning of human diseases: acute and chronic common and uncommon medical conditions.

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The symptom intensity and mortality of human diseases, conditions, and syndromes exhibit diurnal or 24 h patterning, e.g., skin: atopic dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis, and palmar hyperhidrosis; gastrointestinal: esophageal reflux, peptic ulcer (including perforation and hemorrhage), cyclic

From Robinia pseudoacacia L. nectar to Acacia monofloral honey: biochemical changes and variation of biological properties.

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BACKGROUND Robinia pseudoacacia L. nectar and its derivative monofloral honey were systematically compared in this study, to understand how much the starting solution reflected the final product, after re-elaboration by Apis mellifera ligustica Spinola. RESULTS Subjected to dehydration in the hive,

[Smoking and the skin].

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Smoking is the main modifiable cause of disease and death in the developed world. Tobacco consumption is directly linked to cardiovascular disease, chronic bronchitis, and many malignant diseases. Tobacco also has many cutaneous effects, most of which are harmful. Smoking is closely associated with

Relationship between childhood atopy and wheeze: what mediates wheezing in atopic phenotypes?

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BACKGROUND The nature of the relationship between childhood wheeze and atopy remains uncertain. OBJECTIVE To characterize childhood wheeze among atopic phenotypes in a longitudinal birth cohort study. METHODS A whole population birth cohort (N = 1,456) was recruited in 1989. Children were seen at

Risk factors and characteristics of early-onset asthma in Taiwanese children.

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OBJECTIVE Early-onset asthma has been reported to be associated with a family history of allergy and exposure to environmental factors. This study was designed to evaluate the relationship between age of onset of asthma and genetic and environmental factors with asthma severity in Taiwanese

Prevalence rates and risk factors for allergic symptoms among inhabitants in rural districts.

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In order to determine the prevalence of allergic disorders and their association with agricultural factors, a total of 3,717 inhabitants of rural districts in Kumamoto Prefecture were ashed to fill out a questionnaire concerning their allergic status. The results obtained were as follows: One or
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