Haitian Creole


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A partially-blind, three-way crossover study was carried out in 24 patients suffering from chronic urticaria to compare the efficacy and tolerance of brompheniramine maleate with that of clemastine fumarate. Patients received 4-week courses of treatment with 1 tablet twice daily of either 12 mg

[Eosinophilic esophagitis associated with recurrent urticaria: is the worm Anisakis simplex involved?].

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Anisakis simplex, a fish parasite of the nematode family, typically infects marine mammals such as whales, dolphins and seals. Human anisakiasis, which is acquired by eating raw or insufficiently heated fish or squid, has gained world-wide importance. Infestation with living larvae caused by eating

Putative peanut allergy-induced urticaria in a dog.

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A 9-year-old, spayed male schnauzer dog was presented with vomiting, diarrhea, generalized erythema, pruritic urticaria and conjunctival hyperemia after ingestion of peanut. The history, clinical signs, and histopathology of the lesions were compatible with a hypersensitivity reaction. The clinical

A History of Drug Discovery for Treatment of Nausea and Vomiting and the Implications for Future Research.

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The origins of the major classes of current anti-emetics are examined. Serendipity is a recurrent theme in discovery of their anti-emetic properties and repurposing from one indication to another is a continuing trend. Notably, the discoveries have occurred against a background of company mergers

[Case of urticaria due to cochineal dye in red-colored diet].

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We herein describe a 33-year-old female who recurrently exhibited urticaria accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and dyspnea after taking red-colored food. From her history, we suspected the cochineal dye, the commonly used natural red dye in red-colored food and beverage, to be the cause of her

Heat urticaria: a revision of published cases with an update on classification and management.

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Heat urticaria (HU) is a rare type of physical inducible urticaria, characterized by itchy erythema and well-demarcated weals appearing soon after heat exposure. Most cases occur in female patients aged 20-45 years. Both localized and generalized forms exist, depending on the limitation of the

Streptococcus peritonitis with urticaria.

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Peritonitis following urticaria on two occasions in a 46-year-old white female treated with CAPD for nine years is reported. On both occasions an episode of urticaria and pruritus occurred 24 hr before the dialysate became cloudy, and the patient experienced abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. The
BACKGROUND Chronic urticaria not responsive to antihistamines is a difficult disease to manage. Methotrexate has been used in difficult chronic urticarias with some benefit. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the efficacy of methotrexate in the treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria poorly responsive to H1

Why can't I get hives: brief strategic therapy with an obsessional child.

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A case study is presented of a 10-year-old boy who obsessively feared he would vomit. The material is formulated within a psychodynamic as well as a strategic model, and treatment approaches are suggested for each. The treatment consisted of a five-session, strategic, problem-focused approach over

A 1-year-old boy with persistent, generalized eruption. Urticaria pigmentosa.

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A healthy 1-year-old boy born at full term after an uncomplicated pregnancy presented to the dermatology clinic for a widespread eruption with gradual onset since 3 months of age. He was otherwise well, afebrile, feeding well, and gaining weight appropriately. The child was overall asymptomatic,

A study on Vasantika Vamana (therapeutic emesis in spring season) - A preventive measure for diseases of Kapha origin.

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Panchakarma is the most essential part of Ayurveda treatments. It is preventive, preservative, promotive, curative and rehabilitative therapy. Ayurveda believes in strong relationship between macrocosm and microcosm and states that the seasonal changes will influence the biological systems resulting

Disseminated Strongyloidiasis in an Iranian Immunocompromised Patient: A Case Report.

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Strongyloides stercoralis is a soil-transmitted helminth (STH) widespread in various part of the world. A 78-yr-old peasant diabetic female from Mazandaran Province northern Iran, was admitted to Infection Department of the Razi Hospital in city of Qaemshahr, north of Iran complaining about

Clinical features of potato sensitivity in children with allergic disease.

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OBJECTIVE Although potato is greatly consumed all over the world, adverse reactions to potato are uncommon. Our aim is to describe the clinical features of potato sensitivity in allergic children. METHODS Forty children with sensitivity to potato were followed up in the Pediatric Immunology and

Efficacy and safety of midazolam and ketamine in paediatric upper endoscopy.

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OBJECTIVE Upper endoscopy can be successfully carried out in children under deep sedation and anaesthesia. However, the best method of upper endoscopy for children who require gastrointestinal intervention has yet to be defined. The aim of this study is to investigate the efficacy and safety of the

Invasion of the 'killer' bees. Separating fact from fiction.

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Even a single honeybee sting can lead to anaphylaxis in a susceptible person, but severe reactions can result from multiple stings, particularly if stings are from the fast-spreading Africanized honeybees, sometimes called "killer" bees. Signs and symptoms of multiple stings may include urticaria,
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