Haitian Creole

vaccinium floribundum/andoxunarefni

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Effects of Cranberry Supplementation on Chronic Kidney Disease Patients.

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This is a longitudinal study with a randomized crossover design, double-blind, placebo-controlled, and with washout period. Thirty non-dialysis patients of both genders, aged between 18 and 60 years and with CKD stage3-4 (glomerular filtration rate < 59 mL/min/1.73 m2) will be included in the study.

The Efficacy of TGF for Treating Osteoarthritis of the Knee

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Introduction Knee osteoarthritis is a common disease of joint degeneration. Chronic inflammation is the major cause of this disease. One-third of the people over 65 years of age have Knee OA and the prevalence in women is more than in men. One-third of the people over 65 years of age have Knee OA

Effect of Antioxidant Supplementation on the Autonomic Balance

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A clinical trial was performed, with 60 individuals, 30 normotensive and 30 hypertensive patients. Participants were of both sex, aged between 18 and 60 years and Body Mass Index (BMI) less than 35 kg / m². Venous blood samples were collected after 12-hour fasting for biochemical measurements

Juice Plus+OMEGA Study

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In this randomized, controlled clinical study firstly the bioavailability of fatty acids and micronutrients of JP+Omega Blend will be analysed. Secondly, the effect of the constituents contained in the nutraceuticals on blood lipid values will be determined. Thirdly, it will be examined, whether a

Postprandial Glycemic Response to Polyphenol-fortified Snack Bars

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High glycemic index (GI) foods generally contain simple sugars and/or highly processed and refined carbohydrates (e.g., instant oatmeal and white bread). These foods are rapidly digested, which raises blood glucose and insulin to higher concentrations and more rapidly compared to low GI food items.

Suppression of Postprandial Monocyte Activation by Blueberries or Docosahexaenoic Acid in Humans

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Chronic inflammation is one of the key etiological conditions associated with the development and progression of chronic diseases including Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, obesity and cancer. The causes of chronic inflammation and the role of diet in

Effect of a Single Dose of Cranberry Beverage on Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

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Participants will be randomized based on age, sex and BMI, and will consume a low-polyphenol diet 2 days prior to the intervention. On the day of the study, baseline blood and urine samples will be collected after an overnight fast. Participants will consume the assigned beverage within 15 minutes

Effect of Chronic Consumption of a Cranberry Beverage on Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

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Cranberry Enhances Human Immune Function and Reduces Illness

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The study will be conducted as a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled parallel trial. Subjects will be randomly assigned to either the Treatment (cranberry beverage) group or the Placebo group and each will be instructed to consume the test beverages twice a day for 70 days. The beverage is

A Single Supplement of a Standardised Bilberry Extract Modifies Glycaemic Response

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Dietary strategies for alleviating health complications, such as premature vascular disease, associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and obesity are actively being pursued as alternatives to pharmaceutical interventions. The genus Vaccinium (e.g. blueberry, bilberry, cranberry) has been used

Study of Oral Anthocyanins on Insulin Resistance

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Effect of Bilberry (European Blueberries) and Grape Polyphenols on Cognition and Blood Parameters

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A number of studies have shown that increased dietary intake of fruits and vegetable extracts high in antioxidants (e.g., blueberries, strawberries and spinach) can retard and even reverse age-related decline in brain function and in cognitive and motor performance in rats. This is the first

Bioavailability of Flavonoids and Phenolic Acids From Cranberry Juice Cocktail in Healthy Older Adults

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Cranberries are a particularly rich source of phenolic acids and polyphenols, particularly flavonoids. Among the 20 most commonly consumed fruits in the American diet, cranberries have the highest total phenol content. Health benefits attributed to cranberries include the prevention of urinary tract

Effects of Cranberry Extractive on the Lipid Profiles in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes

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Hypercholesterolemia is a notorious risk factor for cardiovascular disease. It had been reported cranberry consumption increased nearly 8% of circulating high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels in non-diabetic subjects. Although characteristics of diabetic dyslipidemia are low HDL and high

Effects of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Antioxidants on Postprandial Hyperlipidemia and Vascular Function in Men

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